YouTube Description:

Still undecided? Think about the future.

>> ^Yogi:

I love Joss Whedon. Everything he's done I worship at the guys feet. Stay outa politics Whedon so I don't have to hate you.

Sorry, Repubs made it personal so you have to fight back.

This "wah! they're equally bad" nonsense is just that.


>> ^VoodooV:

>> ^Yogi:
I love Joss Whedon. Everything he's done I worship at the guys feet. Stay outa politics Whedon so I don't have to hate you.

Sorry, Repubs made it personal so you have to fight back.
This "wah! they're equally bad" nonsense is just that.

I'm sorry but what the fuck are you talking about? How did repubs call out Joss Whedon? I'm saying he should leave it be, I don't want him in politics because I'm a fan of his. I don't like hearing people who don't know shit about fuck telling me what I should do.

I voted for Obama once, he sounded like a good choice, also it was a historical event I wanted to be a part of. I knew he wouldn't do much, I didn't know he would go around assassinating children and trying his best to make sure Pakistan breaks up and hands out it's nukes like candy. Or that there would be NO CHANGE in how Israel does business, Gaza is still the worlds largest prison, Israel is completely immune to international law.

Sorry Mother Fucker, I voted for him once he ain't getting my vote again. And I want Whedon to shut up about this because I like him, and I can't stand to see the man who made Firefly support a War Criminal.


>> ^Yogi:

>> ^VoodooV:
>> ^Yogi:
I love Joss Whedon. Everything he's done I worship at the guys feet. Stay outa politics Whedon so I don't have to hate you.

Sorry, Repubs made it personal so you have to fight back.
This "wah! they're equally bad" nonsense is just that.

I'm sorry but what the fuck are you talking about? How did repubs call out Joss Whedon? I'm saying he should leave it be, I don't want him in politics because I'm a fan of his. I don't like hearing people who don't know shit about fuck telling me what I should do.
I voted for Obama once, he sounded like a good choice, also it was a historical event I wanted to be a part of. I knew he wouldn't do much, I didn't know he would go around assassinating children and trying his best to make sure Pakistan breaks up and hands out it's nukes like candy. Or that there would be NO CHANGE in how Israel does business, Gaza is still the worlds largest prison, Israel is completely immune to international law.
Sorry Mother Fucker, I voted for him once he ain't getting my vote again. And I want Whedon to shut up about this because I like him, and I can't stand to see the man who made Firefly support a War Criminal.

WTF? Did Obama visit Yogi and do a Sandusky on him or something? Talk about taking it personal.

I agree both parties are shitty, but it's demonstrable that one is worse than the other. Yeah, I'm not exactly a fan of drone strikes and dead civillians. But you honestly think the other guy is any better? Or hey, you want to go back to Bush the lesser and not only have a bunch of dead civillians, but have a bunch of dead Americans too because of wars of deception? Romney's beating the war drums for Iran. Yeah...SO MUCH BETTER!! lets have MORE dead people wooo!! I'm sorry, but cherry picking drone strikes is pretty bad tunnel vision, when in reality, it's actually drastically reduced the death toll because they are strikes instead of another occupation where even more people would be killed.

I'm sorry, but we are never going to live in a world where our politicians are squeaky clean. Even in a utopia, our politicians are going to have to, by necessity, do shitty things. In the real world, people have to get their hands dirty.

It's great that you're idealistic, really, I applaud it. But here in the real world, we really do have to choose between the lesser of two evils. Take your pick or stfu.

Edit: sorry, I always mix up Kofi and Yogi for some reason.


I don't rly think Obama is as bad as Yogi thinks, but I think its worse to vote for Obama purely because you don't want Romney. If you honestly don't think either party deserves your vote then you should mess your paper. Tick every box. That or find an independent. Its dumb to complain about your lack of choice and then endorse the 2 party system with a vote to the lesser evil. Oh, and don't write off idealism as naive. We want to make our reality a better place instead of giving up on it.

Zomney explains why some republican voters have apparently signed away their brains.

Oh, and Whedon, now you're like a big shot movie dude and everything can we get some more Firefly/Serenity please?


I think Obama is a terrible choice, and the GOP are complete morons for choosing Romney.

We will probably end up with Obama, but if he loses to Romney, it's the difference between drowning and falling to your death, they both suck.

I wish people would talk more about actual politics and less about presidential elections.


>> ^VoodooV:
WTF? Did Obama visit Yogi and do a Sandusky on him or something? Talk about taking it personal.
I agree both parties are shitty, but it's demonstrable that one is worse than the other. Yeah, I'm not exactly a fan of drone strikes and dead civillians. But you honestly think the other guy is any better? Or hey, you want to go back to Bush the lesser and not only have a bunch of dead civillians, but have a bunch of dead Americans too because of wars of deception? Romney's beating the war drums for Iran. Yeah...SO MUCH BETTER!! lets have MORE dead people wooo!! I'm sorry, but cherry picking drone strikes is pretty bad tunnel vision, when in reality, it's actually drastically reduced the death toll because they are strikes instead of another occupation where even more people would be killed.
I'm sorry, but we are never going to live in a world where our politicians are squeaky clean. Even in a utopia, our politicians are going to have to, by necessity, do shitty things. In the real world, people have to get their hands dirty.
It's great that you're idealistic, really, I applaud it. But here in the real world, we really do have to choose between the lesser of two evils. Take your pick or stfu.
Edit: sorry, I always mix up Kofi and Yogi for some reason.

Here's the thing, I can't even argue this with you because you don't know fucking anything.

1. We're not going to War with Iran...never will we go to war with Iran. They don't meet the fundamental requirement for being a helpless nation. We might bomb their nuclear facilities but that won't do shit.

2. Both parties aren't shitty they're different wings of the SAME PARTY.

3. Cherry picking Drones strikes isn't about tunnel vision it's a War Crime. It's also destabilizing Pakistan, which has Nukes and people in it who are a serious threat. That might actually happen, Iran never will.

4. It's got nothing to do with me being Idealistic (I'm far from it) it's got everything to do with me taking it upon myself to become educated in this shit. I KNOW MORE BECAUSE I WORK FOR IT.

5. I'm not gonna pick the lesser of Two Evils again. I did it once for Obama when it was a serious historical event, something that hopefully would've moved us forward. I'm not in a state that matters so I'm not gonna vote for him again.

6. He's Black.


>> ^Yogi:

I'm saying he should leave it be, I don't want him in politics because I'm a fan of his. I don't like hearing people who don't know shit about fuck telling me what I should do.

So because he's created some awesome stuff, he's not entitled to an opinion? That's kinda fucked up IMO.

Besides how do you know he doesn't "know shit about fuck"? Maybe he's made an effort to educate and inform himself about the candidates?

I'm not saying you have to do what he says or even take his political opinion seriously, but I think it's really unfair to say that he shouldn't even express it.

After all, you know four fifths of fuck all about anything and it doesn't stop you


>> ^ChaosEngine:

>> ^Yogi:
I'm saying he should leave it be, I don't want him in politics because I'm a fan of his. I don't like hearing people who don't know shit about fuck telling me what I should do.

So because he's created some awesome stuff, he's not entitled to an opinion? That's kinda fucked up IMO.
Besides how do you know he doesn't "know shit about fuck"? Maybe he's made an effort to educate and inform himself about the candidates?
I'm not saying you have to do what he says or even take his political opinion seriously, but I think it's really unfair to say that he shouldn't even express it.
After all, you know four fifths of fuck all about anything and it doesn't stop you

I was just pointing out that I'm a huge fan of the guy, so I don't want to hate him because he's chiming in on this election. I'm tired of this fucking election, I just want it to be over so everyone will shut up and stop talking about shit like they know it because they plopped themselves in front of CNN for a day. This video wasn't even funny to me because it was so stupid.

People should shut up about politics.


>> ^PostalBlowfish:

Romney agreed with Obama's foreign policy, except that he'd do it sooner or faster or something.
So yeah, vote Romney if you don't like Obama's foreign policy.

No one said vote for Romney, I'm saying Don't Vote For War Criminals.

It's like people are just stupid or something. This isn't a reality for us because we don't see dead children everyday. Imagine being a parent of one of those children...imagine living under constant threat of death and your entire country being destroyed around you. People think this is are argument of's not, I don't like that people are dying you idiots.

Who here is for people dying? Exactly.


Not all those fooled by Obama are voting for him again.

I was not fooled.

But this video is beyond stupid and it's by the people who think about nothing but pie in the sky and not a whit about how to pay for it all, because everything you want cannot be sustained or purchased.


>> ^Yogi:

>> ^PostalBlowfish:
Romney agreed with Obama's foreign policy, except that he'd do it sooner or faster or something.
So yeah, vote Romney if you don't like Obama's foreign policy.

No one said vote for Romney, I'm saying Don't Vote For War Criminals.
It's like people are just stupid or something. This isn't a reality for us because we don't see dead children everyday. Imagine being a parent of one of those children...imagine living under constant threat of death and your entire country being destroyed around you. People think this is are argument of's not, I don't like that people are dying you idiots.
Who here is for people dying? Exactly.

And the video didn't say vote for Obama, so I don't see what you're whining about and I don't see why you're going to think less of a guy for making light of the situation. Go vote and maybe treat yourself to some ice cream or something and relax.


>> ^PostalBlowfish:

>> ^Yogi:
>> ^PostalBlowfish:
Romney agreed with Obama's foreign policy, except that he'd do it sooner or faster or something.
So yeah, vote Romney if you don't like Obama's foreign policy.

No one said vote for Romney, I'm saying Don't Vote For War Criminals.
It's like people are just stupid or something. This isn't a reality for us because we don't see dead children everyday. Imagine being a parent of one of those children...imagine living under constant threat of death and your entire country being destroyed around you. People think this is are argument of's not, I don't like that people are dying you idiots.
Who here is for people dying? Exactly.

And the video didn't say vote for Obama, so I don't see what you're whining about and I don't see why you're going to think less of a guy for making light of the situation. Go vote and maybe treat yourself to some ice cream or something and relax.

You haven't been paying attention to either the video or the conversation.


>> ^PostalBlowfish:
No one said vote for Romney, I'm saying Don't Vote For War Criminals.

Can you explain to me what the difference between drone strikes and what any other president since George Washington has done at one point or another in their up to 8 years (for the most part) in office?

You act as though Obama sat down at the telepresence controls and took out a school himself.


>> ^Payback:

>> ^PostalBlowfish:
No one said vote for Romney, I'm saying Don't Vote For War Criminals.

Can you explain to me what the difference between drone strikes and what any other president since George Washington has done at one point or another in their up to 8 years (for the most part) in office?
You act as though Obama sat down at the telepresence controls and took out a school himself.

He's the first president I voted for who is responsible for childrens deaths. So I'm not voting for him again.

I don't see what the problem is wouldn't support Charlie Manson, why support someone responsible for WAY more deaths?

He's Killing people and I come out like the bad guy, Fuck That.


Yeah I'm done with this...I was saying I don't think Joss should put in his two cents about the election because I like him and people who talk about the election just cause me to hate them.

Obama's policies kill Pakistani children, that is a Fact.


"He's the first president I voted for who is responsible for childrens deaths."

If he's not the only president you voted for in your life then I doubt that to be true. Technology today allows coverage on more of that kind of thing now, allowing us to see it. Plus you should probably get used to it, I highly doubt things are going to change soon no, matter who's POTUS.

I have no interest in voting, I probably never will. Since.. you know, the choices will always be:

A: Turd Sandwhich
B: Douche bag


>> ^Yogi:

>> ^Jinx:
I don't rly think Obama is as bad as Yogi thinks...

Cause you don't know anything.

Ur cute. :3

You might have an easier time making your argument if you didn't take/make everything quite so personal. Just a thought.


>> ^SevenFingers:

"He's the first president I voted for who is responsible for childrens deaths."

If he's not the only president you voted for in your life then I doubt that to be true. Technology today allows coverage on more of that kind of thing now, allowing us to see it. Plus you should probably get used to it, I highly doubt things are going to change soon no, matter who's POTUS.
I have no interest in voting, I probably never will. Since.. you know, the choices will always be:
A: Turd Sandwhich
B: Douche bag

He is the first president I've voted for in my life. I didn't vote for Gore or Bush, voted for Kerry. Obama is the first President I've voted for. It's really not that difficult to understand. You vote for president elects and they win or they lose. Obama is the first president I've voted for, because he WON.

Is it getting to the point in this comment section where I have to explain things to this Level?



>> ^Jinx:

>> ^Yogi:
>> ^Jinx:
I don't rly think Obama is as bad as Yogi thinks...

Cause you don't know anything.

Ur cute. :3
You might have an easier time making your argument if you didn't take/make everything quite so personal. Just a thought.

Yeah don't take the deaths of people you don't know so personally, it only matters when they're killing white people.


>> ^SevenFingers:

"He's the first president I voted for who is responsible for childrens deaths."

If he's not the only president you voted for in your life then I doubt that to be true. Technology today allows coverage on more of that kind of thing now, allowing us to see it. Plus you should probably get used to it, I highly doubt things are going to change soon no, matter who's POTUS.
I have no interest in voting, I probably never will. Since.. you know, the choices will always be:
A: Turd Sandwhich
B: Douche bag

another false equivalency. Just because two things are undesirable, doesn't mean they are equally undesirable. If you literally were forced to choose between a turd sandwich and a douche bag. I guarantee you that one would inevitably be be less bad than the other.

"both sides are bad" is a cop out.


I like zombies.

>> ^Yogi:

>> ^PostalBlowfish:
>> ^Yogi:
>> ^PostalBlowfish:
Romney agreed with Obama's foreign policy, except that he'd do it sooner or faster or something.
So yeah, vote Romney if you don't like Obama's foreign policy.

No one said vote for Romney, I'm saying Don't Vote For War Criminals.
It's like people are just stupid or something. This isn't a reality for us because we don't see dead children everyday. Imagine being a parent of one of those children...imagine living under constant threat of death and your entire country being destroyed around you. People think this is are argument of's not, I don't like that people are dying you idiots.
Who here is for people dying? Exactly.

And the video didn't say vote for Obama, so I don't see what you're whining about and I don't see why you're going to think less of a guy for making light of the situation. Go vote and maybe treat yourself to some ice cream or something and relax.

You haven't been paying attention to either the video or the conversation.


>> ^VoodooV:

>> ^SevenFingers:
"He's the first president I voted for who is responsible for childrens deaths."
If he's not the only president you voted for in your life then I doubt that to be true. Technology today allows coverage on more of that kind of thing now, allowing us to see it. Plus you should probably get used to it, I highly doubt things are going to change soon no, matter who's POTUS.
I have no interest in voting, I probably never will. Since.. you know, the choices will always be:
A: Turd Sandwhich
B: Douche bag

another false equivalency. Just because two things are undesirable, doesn't mean they are equally undesirable. If you literally were forced to choose between a turd sandwich and a douche bag. I guarantee you that one would inevitably be be less bad than the other.
"both sides are bad" is a cop out.

You have a can walk away. Like I'm doing.


>> ^Yogi:

>> ^VoodooV:
>> ^SevenFingers:
"He's the first president I voted for who is responsible for childrens deaths."
If he's not the only president you voted for in your life then I doubt that to be true. Technology today allows coverage on more of that kind of thing now, allowing us to see it. Plus you should probably get used to it, I highly doubt things are going to change soon no, matter who's POTUS.
I have no interest in voting, I probably never will. Since.. you know, the choices will always be:
A: Turd Sandwhich
B: Douche bag

another false equivalency. Just because two things are undesirable, doesn't mean they are equally undesirable. If you literally were forced to choose between a turd sandwich and a douche bag. I guarantee you that one would inevitably be be less bad than the other.
"both sides are bad" is a cop out.

You have a can walk away. Like I'm doing.

no vote, so no voice, so stfu. I respect far right racist trolls like QM or bobknight33 more than someone who won't vote.


>> ^Yogi:

>> ^VoodooV:
>> ^SevenFingers:
"He's the first president I voted for who is responsible for childrens deaths."
If he's not the only president you voted for in your life then I doubt that to be true. Technology today allows coverage on more of that kind of thing now, allowing us to see it. Plus you should probably get used to it, I highly doubt things are going to change soon no, matter who's POTUS.
I have no interest in voting, I probably never will. Since.. you know, the choices will always be:
A: Turd Sandwhich
B: Douche bag

another false equivalency. Just because two things are undesirable, doesn't mean they are equally undesirable. If you literally were forced to choose between a turd sandwich and a douche bag. I guarantee you that one would inevitably be be less bad than the other.
"both sides are bad" is a cop out.

You have a can walk away. Like I'm doing.

Yeah, that's... um, going to produce such a great outcome.

Man you have a sanctimonious tone in this thread "You know nothing, I know fucking everything, there's no way MY thinking could be anything but completely informed and RIGHT"

You don't like either of the major candidates so you will not vote, and then get really shitty at those who want to vote to keep out the bigger danger to your country.

Congrats on sounding like a self righteous dick.


Do any of you think this guy doesn't have a team of lawyers exploiting every last tax loophole and shelter they can find? Do you think he doesn't have money in low yield, tax-exempt investments and offshore accounts?

I'd love to see how much he gave/gives to charities.

Oh, and if you think voting "doesn't matter", do me a solid and vote for Romney. He may do just as badly but in fresh, different ways.

AND, when you vote, you'll get a cool sticker!


Gotta agree with Yogi on this one, making an extremely serious problem like the fact there really is no real choice in American politics seem trivial by adding zombie humor just seems silly really. How much coverage did the third party candidates debate get in the mainstream media? (not a question btw)


no vote, so no voice, so stfu. I respect far right racist trolls like QM or bobknight33 more than someone who won't vote.

I think George Carlin cleared this up already. If YOU vote than it's your fault, the people who don't vote get to complain because YOU Voters screwed up the country.


>> ^Yogi:

>> ^Jinx:
>> ^Yogi:
>> ^Jinx:
I don't rly think Obama is as bad as Yogi thinks...

Cause you don't know anything.

Ur cute. :3
You might have an easier time making your argument if you didn't take/make everything quite so personal. Just a thought.

Yeah don't take the deaths of people you don't know so personally, it only matters when they're killing white people.

I respect your analysis and position Yogi but the fact is someone is going to be running the battle station. You have a binary choice here, do you think Romney will be BETTER at standing up to the Complex? Obamas probe droids are (from his POV at least) preferable to myopic & masochistic puritan invasions and total genocide.. imagine a standoff betwen nuclear fleets in the South China Sea.. who would you rather have calling the shots?


>> ^Yogi:

I think George Carlin cleared this up already. If YOU vote than it's your fault, the people who don't vote get to complain because YOU Voters screwed up the country.

Sorry, but that's bullshit and my respect for Carlin has just gone way down.

Fine, you don't like the system. You feel that both candidates are crooks, liars, war criminals and nickelback fans. You don't want to vote for either of them.

Ok, what are you doing about that? If you're not going to vote within the system, what are you doing to change it?

"What can I do to change the system all by myself?"

I dunno, but that's not my problem. You're the one who believes it's so fucked up that you can't participate. Yeah, it's difficult and you have fuck all chance of making a meaningful change, but if you believe it's that badly broken, don't you have a moral obligation to at least try?

So either use your voice to make an informed decision or work to change the system. Otherwise STFU.


>> ^ChaosEngine:

>> ^Yogi:
I think George Carlin cleared this up already. If YOU vote than it's your fault, the people who don't vote get to complain because YOU Voters screwed up the country.

Sorry, but that's bullshit and my respect for Carlin has just gone way down.
Fine, you don't like the system. You feel that both candidates are crooks, liars, war criminals and nickelback fans. You don't want to vote for either of them.
Ok, what are you doing about that? If you're not going to vote within the system, what are you doing to change it?
"What can I do to change the system all by myself?"
I dunno, but that's not my problem. You're the one who believes it's so fucked up that you can't participate. Yeah, it's difficult and you have fuck all chance of making a meaningful change, but if you believe it's that badly broken, don't you have a moral obligation to at least try?
So either use your voice to make an informed decision or work to change the system. Otherwise STFU.

You think voting is working to change the system? I'm working by doing my own things to change the system, being involved in social movements to change minds...not pulling a lever once every four years and thinking I'm fucking doing something. You're doing nothing, you just don't get that.


>> ^Yogi:

You think voting is working to change the system? I'm working by doing my own things to change the system, being involved in social movements to change minds...not pulling a lever once every four years and thinking I'm fucking doing something. You're doing nothing, you just don't get that.

Well, first off, I don't live in the U.S.
I take an interest in its politics because whether I like it or not, it affects me.

Second, I'm not doing nothing, I'm participating in a democratic process. Hell, I'm not even an NZ citizen and I still get to make a difference.

Finally, if you are genuinely involved in social movements (where "involved in social movements" does not equal "bitching on the web") then kudos to you, brother.


>> ^ChaosEngine:

>> ^Yogi:
You think voting is working to change the system? I'm working by doing my own things to change the system, being involved in social movements to change minds...not pulling a lever once every four years and thinking I'm fucking doing something. You're doing nothing, you just don't get that.

Well, first off, I don't live in the U.S.
I take an interest in its politics because whether I like it or not, it affects me.
Second, I'm not doing nothing, I'm participating in a democratic process. Hell, I'm not even an NZ citizen and I still get to make a difference.
Finally, if you are genuinely involved in social movements (where "involved in social movements" does not equal "bitching on the web") then kudos to you, brother.



Seems pretty plain to me. Joss didn't say vote for Obama, he's just having some fun with Romney. Free country, he's allowed to have an opinion and if that turns off a few of his fans, then I don't think he's going to lose sleep over it. He wrote the fucking Avengers script! I think he'll survive somehow.

That said, the election system in this country sucks, and changing it is going to require a monumental effort on the part of a hell of a lot of people. Congress will fight tooth and nail to preserve the status quo, because it serves them best. Until we get a system that isn't designed to result in a 2-party system, we will always have this situation of choosing between Asshole #1 and Asshole #2.

It's kind of sad that the one thing that Congress will show true bipartisan support on is saving their own asses.


Tags for this video have been changed from 'romney, obama, subhumans, zombie, apocalypse, Spam' to 'romney, obama, subhumans, zombie, apocalypse, Spam, old school shambling' - edited by calvados

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