Israeli Woman Finds Out BF Is Arabic, Sues Him For Rape

apartheid apartheid apartheid. Your tax dollars at work.

That is bullshit.

I'm sure that half of the sexual encounters in Israel would result in a rape charge if this "law" were enacted every time some guy fibbed to get into some girl's knickers.

This charge is very clearly based on the race of the alleged rapist.


I am horrified. This would be hilarious if the implications weren't so dire.

Lying to a person prior to intercourse makes it rape.

Imagine the number of rapes occuring by that definition all the time.

Oh my God! Imagine all the times I've been raped!


I have made up some CRAZY shit in attempts to get laid over the years. I hope all those random women that thought I was deploying overseas, or a doctor in med school, or a lawyer, or a orphan, or a widower, etc. don't figure out this "law" and try to bring that shit on me. I'll be considered a serial rapist.


So we're treating sex as a legal contract then... exchanged reciprocal sex on condition of knowledge of each other. But that conditional knowledge must related to the exchange. If he had HIV or had lied about using a condom, then maybe this is a discussion. But how can his race be a related condition for the sexual contract?

Unless the law is validating that racial prejudice is an acceptable condition for contact between two people.
i.e. It's legally acceptable to feel hate and betrayal based on race.


If a human female opens to sex with a human male, and a human male opens to sex with a human female, and political or racial disclosure is paramount instead of human male to human female and human female to human male intercourse, then BOTH are perverted and engaging in (instead of honest and real human sex) political, racial , agendas, NOT a human agenda.


This has got to be the biggest crock of shit I have ever heard...

Lying is now cause to retroactively scream rape? Give me a fucking break.

ps. No matter how much this shill tries to dress it up, this is flat out racism. Consensual morphs in to rape because a person is not the race they claim to be? But not racism... Yeah right...

Fuck this shit gets me riled up. As if there weren't enough real victims in the world we have to cater for without dealing with this moron...


It's astonishing that this woman deals with people who have actually been the victims of rape, but is still perfectly happy to deal a crushing insult to those women by defending "rape by deception" and trivializing all of that pain and suffering. Fuck you!


I know, right? If I was a rape victim, and some woman came up to me and said "He told me he was a virgin. I WAS RAPED!" I would straight up cold cock her right then and there to the floor.

Or how about:
Him: "I had a vasectomy."
Her: "He's not sterile! I WAS RAPED!"

Him: "I'm a doctor."
Her: "He's a male nurse! I WAS RAPED!"

Him: "I'm single."
Her: "He's got a girlfriend. I WAS RAPED!"

>> ^Gallowflak:

It's astonishing that this woman deals with people who have actually been the victims of rape, but is still perfectly happy to deal a crushing insult to those women by defending "rape by deception" and trivializing all of that pain suffering. Fuck you!


Check this out.

"The court heard accusations that Mr Kashur misled the woman, whose identity has not been disclosed, by introducing himself with the traditionally Jewish name during a chance encounter on a street in central Jerusalem in 2008.
After striking up a conversation, the two went into a top-floor room of a nearby office-block and engaged in a sexual encounter, after which Mr Kashur left before the woman had a chance to get dressed. It was only later that she discovered Mr Kashur's true racial background, lawyers said."

So they had sex moments after meeting on the street, and she's complaining about HIS moral standing? *Cough*Slut*Cough*


"It's not our position nor the law's position to say what is an acceptable amount of to say what is an acceptable amount of characteristics or what are acceptable characteristics."

Bullshit, bitch. It sure as hell is the law's place to say when you're going to put the guy in prison!


Sigh... what really suffers from this stupid stupid ruling is the cases of real rape where sexual intercourse is forced on another person (male or female). This devalues the real crime.

"If a woman or a man feel they were given wrong information, then it is rape."

No. Just no... It is lying, it is deceit, it isn't rape.

Edit: here's a good example to put this in perspective. On internet dating sites people lie about their height, weight, income, amount of hair they have.

If a woman sleeps with a man wearing a toupee and after the fact finds out the hair was fake, is that rape? According to this mindless cunt and the racist people she represents, yes. Fuck her and every idiot that thinks like her.


So, I know I am going to have 500 people disagree, but here goes. An argument is not worth having if you are simply agreeing with everyone...

Rape by deception should be a crime if the lie morally cripples either party (I doubt it crippled the Jew-whore but then again, she is religious...)

Let's say something equally horrible happens to you as has happened to true victims of lies. Now, since religious people are bat-shit and some are very, very serious about their dedication to their particular lord's work (In some human-induced hypocritical bull-shit way,) we have to find a similarly bat-shit comparison. This, oh, having sex with an infidel, cannot be translated to our standards so here goes an unequal comparison.

You were adopted out, located your sister, and because you are a sicko you date her and have sex with her… Or your wife is having sex with your brother behind your back… Or, like the youtube video, your wife was a man or you're man was a wife… Or, your husband is a child molester and has molested your children and you don't know it…

Last unbalanced comparison I can make, you’re dancing with a woman you’re buying conspicuous amounts of alcohol and she passes out… You do the little dirty and... Why is that rape? She took the alcohol willingly. You did not lie about anything… Certainly she should have reasonably known and accepted the consequences of her intentional actions; like a drunk driver.

Lying about penis size, or lying about wealth that the other party is not entitled to anyway, or lying about how many children a person has, in the initial bangings, is not morally crippling. None of those lies stops each other from getting their rocks off and won’t affect their futures.

I won’t say a sexually transmitted disease is applicable, because that is brutal physical violence against another person without a disease. But then why should that be illegel if lying and sex should be seperate issues? I mean don't we all consent to sex and what "comes" with sex, the risks and all, regardless?

And to those who intentionally lie to their potential conquests, why? I tell the truth and if the woman I am about to grind with doesn't like it, so what? She can go for some loser who has to lie about everything... I’ll just do her better looking sister anyways.

See, I am jaded; my family lied all the time. All day, every day. And everyone else seems to find a lie just fine for nearly every circumstance...

Is it wrong to lie? Mostly. Is it a crime? In many, many circumstances.

Deceit-rape would have to be more harmful than doctor/nurse lies and be provable...

For example, the husband/child molester. Did his deceit rip a fabric in your world? Of course. Not just because he molested but because you were intimate with him…

Oh, and I love the shoe on the other foot comment. Would a Jewish man be raping a a Muslim woman... Well, we would never know because her head would be smashed open with a bunch of rocks before her argument was ever heard. Kind of like a tree falling in the forrest.


>> ^gorillaman:

Everyone knows it doesn't count as rape if she's a jew.

HAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA!!! Don't worry, this comment was a lot funnier than these up-tights would ever admit. Don't make fun of the Jews! The HOLOCAUST! (but let's make fun of Christians and Muslims from dawn 'til dusk). Jews don't deserve special treatment. Nobody does. (except burn victims ~(:·o) <-Burn vicitm )


And too, remember, the man was not charged with rape. He was charged with deceit by rape. I assume those are two different crimes (If not, then that is bullshit and there needs to be two different laws.) So those who say a lie isn’t rape, Israel law agrees.

Think about aiding and abetting. “But I just intentionally lied to the police in order to allow the rapist to escape. How is that a crime? I mean I did not rape the woman…”


>> ^Sniper007:
I know, right? If I was a rape victim, and some woman came up to me and said "He told me he was a virgin. I WAS RAPED!" I would straight up cold cock her right then and there to the floor.
Or how about:
Him: "I had a vasectomy."
Her: "He's not sterile! I WAS RAPED!"
Him: "I'm a doctor."
Her: "He's a male nurse! I WAS RAPED!"
Him: "I'm single."
Her: "He's got a girlfriend. I WAS RAPED!"
>> ^Gallowflak:
It's astonishing that this woman deals with people who have actually been the victims of rape, but is still perfectly happy to deal a crushing insult to those women by defending "rape by deception" and trivializing all of that pain suffering. Fuck you!

I would cold cock both. One for being a sack of dog shit and the other for being too trusting. Pretending to be a virgin, kind of like pretending to be a nuclear scientist while working on reactors, is a tricky subject. If you know enough about reactors, why need a degree... It won't hurt anyone... Same with virginity... There would have to be more...


One last thought; if you disagree with me I will agree with you so long as you answer one question.

If fraud is a crime---say you make a ponzi scheme---because you lie and cheat people out of a commodity, then why is it not fraud (at least) cheating people out of a commodity known as sex through lies? Sex is the oldest commodity after all...

Too, fraud is nothing but a lie. No actual stealing happens... So fraud is BS? Or is there a special exception?

Prove to me that fraud is a crime because of more than just a lie and being a cheat, and I will agree that this is not a crime either.


So if a person is wearing makeup doesnt that constitute deceit? What about a wonderbra?

In all seriousness, this sounds like pure vile racism, or do lots of Israeli jewish guys get prosecuted for this? Do women of any religion get done for this?

Whats most disturbing is how someone can sit there and defend jailing someone for not declaring their religion before having sex. I mean that is just so messed up I've never even considered that such a thing could exist in any country, even the batshit crazy ones.

I'm now pretty much convinced that Israel is a deeply racist country.


>> ^gorillaman:

Everyone knows it doesn't count as rape if she's a jew.

this was a joke people!
jeeez louise...
unless gorillaman is a hamas official.
um..are you hamas gorillaman? lied to me..
i feel so violated....
i am calling rape.
you will be hearing from my isreali lawyer sir.


>> ^Lawdeedaw:

And too, remember, the man was not charged with rape. He was charged with deceit by rape. I assume those are two different crimes (If not, then that is bullshit and there needs to be two different laws.) So those who say a lie isn’t rape, Israel law agrees.
Think about aiding and abetting. “But I just intentionally lied to the police in order to allow the rapist to escape. How is that a crime? I mean I did not rape the woman…”

You meet a woman on an online dating site. You claimed you made between $50,000 to $100,000 on your profile, when in fact you averaged about $35k. You meet, you take her home, you have sex. You're a rapist, aren't you?

You meet a different woman on the same site. You claim to be white, but in fact you're 1/4th Hispanic (your mother's mother). You meet, you take her home, you have sex. You're a rapist, aren't you?

You meet another woman on the same site. You claim to be single, but in fact you're still involved in a long, messy, bitter separation. For any of a hundred reasons, you and your wife have agreed not to divorce, but you live your lives apart and basically do whatever you want as long as you don't bring it home. You don't tell your date. You take your new-found paramour home, and you have sex. You're a rapist, aren't you?



Lying is only a crime if you are required at the moment to tell the truth. Many people speak falsities all throughout their days. Unless you are under a perpetual admonition to speak the truth, there is no crime. Laws do exist which place such admonitions, and thus, turn all lies into crimes. However these Laws stem from Biblical origins and are thus rejected out of hand by most.

For American Jurisprudence, a lie is only a crime if you've sworn you're word that it's the truth. Like, on the witness stand. Or, in a contract. Which is one reason why some people sign a CONTRACT before they have SEX. So they have something in writing that they can use to prosecute any offender(s). Most marriage contracts have these terms in them.

I'd agree with you in that it's a crime to lie. But a lie is not a rape.

>> ^Lawdeedaw:

One last thought; if you disagree with me I will agree with you so long as you answer one question.

If fraud is a crime---say you make a ponzi scheme---because you lie and cheat people out of a commodity, then why is it not fraud (at least) cheating people out of a commodity known as sex through lies? Sex is the oldest commodity after all...
Too, fraud is nothing but a lie. No actual stealing happens... So fraud is BS? Or is there a special exception?
Prove to me that fraud is a crime because of more than just a lie and being a cheat, and I will agree that this is not a crime either.


False information to deceive a woman into having sex with him? Sounds like every man who's ever lived would have to be jailed then.

"Hello ladies. I'm a doctor."
"You look real pretty in that dress."
"I love you."


Nobody is going to comment on the guy (I presume guy) who said that an unconscious woman, passed out from too much alcohol paid for the guy, should have known the consequences when he "does the dirty" after she passes out?

Jesus. H. Christ.

Yes, that is rape. Rape. Rape.


Its not funny because it is weak. It is the comedic equivalent of making fun of George Bush.

>> ^rottenseed:

HAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA!!! Don't worry, this comment was a lot funnier than these up-tights would ever admit. Don't make fun of the Jews! The HOLOCAUST! (but let's make fun of Christians and Muslims from dawn 'til dusk). Jews don't deserve special treatment. Nobody does. (except burn victims ~(:·o) <-Burn vicitm )
<div><div style="margin: 10px; overflow: auto; width: 80%; float: left; position: relative;" class="convoPiece"> gorillaman said:<img style="margin: 4px 10px 10px; float: left; width: 40px;" src="" onerror="ph(this)"><div style="position: absolute; margin-left: 52px; padding-top: 1px; font-size: 10px;" class="commentarrow">◄</div><div style="padding: 8px; margin-left: 60px; margin-top: 2px; min-height: 30px;" class="nestedComment box">Everyone knows it doesn't count as rape if she's a jew.


who meets someone on the street and then runs up stairs, has sex with them real quick and is then surprised when they turn out to be something you didn't really want? this is an occupational hazard, all good sluts know that.


Yea. Or let's say you put roofies in a girls drink, but you say you didn't. Then you take that girl home and you force your member into her limp, lifeless body. Did you rape her then?!


Oh...I uh...I gotta go
>> ^rougy:

>> ^Lawdeedaw:
And too, remember, the man was not charged with rape. He was charged with deceit by rape. I assume those are two different crimes (If not, then that is bullshit and there needs to be two different laws.) So those who say a lie isn’t rape, Israel law agrees.
Think about aiding and abetting. “But I just intentionally lied to the police in order to allow the rapist to escape. How is that a crime? I mean I did not rape the woman…”

You meet a woman on an online dating site. You claimed you made between $50,000 to $100,000 on your profile, when in fact you averaged about $35k. You meet, you take her home, you have sex. You're a rapist, aren't you?
You meet a different woman on the same site. You claim to be white, but in fact you're 1/4th Hispanic (your mother's mother). You meet, you take her home, you have sex. You're a rapist, aren't you?
You meet another woman on the same site. You claim to be single, but in fact you're still involved in a long, messy, bitter separation. For any of a hundred reasons, you and your wife have agreed not to divorce, but you live your lives apart and basically do whatever you want as long as you don't bring it home. You don't tell your date. You take your new-found paramour home, and you have sex. You're a rapist, aren't you?


It's just flat out bullshit.

It's not criminal fraud (unless she was a whore trying to charge him and somehow the lie made her have sex for free).

It's not rape (she gave conscent and never revoked it during the act).

The fact that she believed his lies is irrelevant, if I tell a girl that looks like a hatful of arseholes that she's gorgeous and she elects to blow me, does that become rape?

There is no defense for this jailing other than "he's of a race I would never consent to sex with" which is racist. It's obvious that his physical attributes have nothing to do with it, and it's also obvious that's she's a real fucking easy lay.

She's a racist, pure and simple, and the state of Israel, or as I prefer to call them, "The 4th Reich", has validated that racism by jailing the guy. End of story.

I don't approve of the guys actions, he sounds like a bit of a scumbag, but there is no crime here to answer...


Questions concerning topics such as: breast size, penis size, how many people have you slept with, weight, age, kids, significant other, same sex encounters, multiple partner encounters (threesomes+), etc.

How many of you expect the answer to be a little to a lot false when asking it of anyone whom you've met just minutes/hours ago?

All it took for this woman to sleep with this guy is him to introduce himself with a traditional name. I suspect if that's all it takes to get into her pants, she's going to find a lot of traditional names popping into her life. a way it kind of boils down to a case of not giving your full legal name before sex = rape. How many people go by nicknames, shortened versions of their legal names, or some other myriad of possibilities.

It feels like a case of "Im embarassed I slept with him, someone found out so Im calling rape now." If someone is truly violated, IE they are not a willing participant in the sexual encounter, they should by all means get whomever is responsible reported to the police asap. If you were passed out drunk when it happened, that's rape. The whole being drunk makes you unable to consent to sex argument has always made me wonder if both of them are drunk and have sex (participating, not passed out) did they just rape each other?

Unless there's more to this than the guy misrepresenting himself to her, I don't see how this can be rape. All those post-op trannies who don't disclose the particulars must be raping their way across the country if this is all it takes.


>> ^Gallowflak:

It's astonishing that this woman deals with people who have actually been the victims of rape, but is still perfectly happy to deal a crushing insult to those women by defending "rape by deception" and trivializing all of that pain and suffering. Fuck you!

I couldn't have said it better myself. This piece of shit (the woman being interviewed) undermines the cause she represents by preaching this bullshit. Fuck her and every single person who supports this insane position.


>> ^rottenseed:

Yea. Or let's say you put roofies in a girls drink, but you say you didn't. Then you take that girl home and you force your member into her limp, lifeless body. Did you rape her then?!
Oh...I uh...I gotta go
>> ^rougy:
>> ^Lawdeedaw:
And too, remember, the man was not charged with rape. He was charged with deceit by rape. I assume those are two different crimes (If not, then that is bullshit and there needs to be two different laws.) So those who say a lie isn’t rape, Israel law agrees.
Think about aiding and abetting. “But I just intentionally lied to the police in order to allow the rapist to escape. How is that a crime? I mean I did not rape the woman…”

You meet a woman on an online dating site. You claimed you made between $50,000 to $100,000 on your profile, when in fact you averaged about $35k. You meet, you take her home, you have sex. You're a rapist, aren't you?
You meet a different woman on the same site. You claim to be white, but in fact you're 1/4th Hispanic (your mother's mother). You meet, you take her home, you have sex. You're a rapist, aren't you?
You meet another woman on the same site. You claim to be single, but in fact you're still involved in a long, messy, bitter separation. For any of a hundred reasons, you and your wife have agreed not to divorce, but you live your lives apart and basically do whatever you want as long as you don't bring it home. You don't tell your date. You take your new-found paramour home, and you have sex. You're a rapist, aren't you?

Animal...the thing I love about you is that I never fucking know if you're serious or not.


>> ^peggedbea:

who meets someone on the street and then runs up stairs, has sex with them real quick and is then surprised when they turn out to be something you didn't really want? this is an occupational hazard, all good sluts know that.

Thank God! The voice of experience!


Isn't all sex based on lies, i sure couldn't get a date without lying a little and being lied to back, in fact, i am pretty sure that if a girl ever found out that i was telling the truth, she'd dump me on the spot.


What you guys fail to realize is that this is obviously written law in Israel, not in the USA or any other country that I know of (I don't go around reading up on statutes of rape around the world).

This video only proves that while in Israel, do not use deceit to sleep with women, because they have laws that can send you to prison.

Arguing this and that doesn't really matter because the majority of us don't live in a world where this is considered a law, let alone enforcing that law.

As an aside I would like to see the conviction rates when this law is applied versus the race of the defendants in question.


>> ^rougy:
>> ^Lawdeedaw:
And too, remember, the man was not charged with rape. He was charged with deceit by rape. I assume those are two different crimes (If not, then that is bullshit and there needs to be two different laws.) So those who say a lie isn’t rape, Israel law agrees.
Think about aiding and abetting. “But I just intentionally lied to the police in order to allow the rapist to escape. How is that a crime? I mean I did not rape the woman…”

You meet a woman on an online dating site. You claimed you made between $50,000 to $100,000 on your profile, when in fact you averaged about $35k. You meet, you take her home, you have sex. You're a rapist, aren't you?
You meet a different woman on the same site. You claim to be white, but in fact you're 1/4th Hispanic (your mother's mother). You meet, you take her home, you have sex. You're a rapist, aren't you?
You meet another woman on the same site. You claim to be single, but in fact you're still involved in a long, messy, bitter separation. For any of a hundred reasons, you and your wife have agreed not to divorce, but you live your lives apart and basically do whatever you want as long as you don't bring it home. You don't tell your date. You take your new-found paramour home, and you have sex. You're a rapist, aren't you?

If a situation causes deep emotion destruction and that can be proven, sure. It can't be minor, it can't be something completely subjective like lying initially about money (Since the woman is in no way entitled to your money from the start,) it must be palpable...

However, since I already brought up the argument about money *Like being a doctor instead of a nurse, i.e. money made through a profession* then please address that. If the money does not affect the person in a majorly significant way, then no, that is not rape. But if it does, (Say you are relying on the money to pay for your hospice grandmother's bills after enough of a relationship is developed that you would be entitled to said money and you find out that she will die alone an cold.) Laws about alimony and such are on the books, so again, I addressed this point adequately.

It took a lot of time to write those responses so please read them...

Your second example I will respond with this... Some people value skin color more than anything. If you can prove that her skin color caused mental damage and was 100% unknown to the layer, well, possibly. Of course that proof would be quite hard to obtain and unless it is documented that you are Arian Nation, KKK, or some such other organization that hates Hispanics, it would even be harder to prove that you hate hispanics enough to be scarred perminately.

You're last example, again, circumstances. Many women have murdered because of this cheating shit (Wife or stalkers.) Many more have committed suicide and guess what, it is only the women who had the emotional problems...yeah, blame, meet shift...

Overall, that is what the court it there for. I think any woman who alleges rape should be jailed for an equal time as a rapist so long as she is convicted of lying about said rape (If it did not really occur.) Same here; which would dissuade many from lying.

I think you have a right to your belief Roughy, it is understandable. I am a devil's advocate and hate lying about all else.


>> ^bareboards2:
Nobody is going to comment on the guy (I presume guy) who said that an unconscious woman, passed out from too much alcohol paid for the guy, should have known the consequences when he "does the dirty" after she passes out?
Jesus. H. Christ.
Yes, that is rape. Rape. Rape.

I wrote it and I am glad we agree it is rape. Rape can happen in more than one way. Of course, like drinking and driving, irresponsibility is a certain form of consent... Not consent enough in this example, just consent of fucking stupidity.


I'd be more comfortable with this story if the dude was being charged with some sort of fraud, but he's charged with rape. Rape is unconsensual sex and that is not what transpired here. She gave apparently consent before and during; it can't be withdrawn retroactively.

If she wanted that sort of guarantee then she should have had a lawyer draw up a contract.

I hope I misunderstood your example of a girl passing out while drinking. Someone who is unconscious can't consent so I don't see how that could not be rape. If she was just really trashed, gave consent and later regretted it, I'd agree that's not rape. The guy is probably a scumbag, but he's in the clear legally.

>> ^Lawdeedaw:

One last thought; if you disagree with me I will agree with you so long as you answer one question.

If fraud is a crime---say you make a ponzi scheme---because you lie and cheat people out of a commodity, then why is it not fraud (at least) cheating people out of a commodity known as sex through lies? Sex is the oldest commodity after all...
Too, fraud is nothing but a lie. No actual stealing happens... So fraud is BS? Or is there a special exception?
Prove to me that fraud is a crime because of more than just a lie and being a cheat, and I will agree that this is not a crime either.


>> ^Sniper007:
@<A rel="nofollow" class=profilelink title="member since May 3rd, 2010" href="">Lawdeedaw
Lying is only a crime if you are required at the moment to tell the truth. Many people speak falsities all throughout their days. Unless you are under a perpetual admonition to speak the truth, there is no crime. Laws do exist which place such admonitions, and thus, turn all lies into crimes. However these Laws stem from Biblical origins and are thus rejected out of hand by most.
For American Jurisprudence, a lie is only a crime if you've sworn you're word that it's the truth. Like, on the witness stand. Or, in a contract. Which is one reason why some people sign a CONTRACT before they have SEX. So they have something in writing that they can use to prosecute any offender(s). Most marriage contracts have these terms in them.
I'd agree with you in that it's a crime to lie. But a lie is not a rape.
>> ^Lawdeedaw:
One last thought; if you disagree with me I will agree with you so long as you answer one question.
If fraud is a crime---say you make a ponzi scheme---because you lie and cheat people out of a commodity, then why is it not fraud (at least) cheating people out of a commodity known as sex through lies? Sex is the oldest commodity after all...
Too, fraud is nothing but a lie. No actual stealing happens... So fraud is BS? Or is there a special exception?
Prove to me that fraud is a crime because of more than just a lie and being a cheat, and I will agree that this is not a crime either.

Yes, you are correct. However, the answer to that is simple; if the laws were changed to make it illegal, then that would make the argument moot. I still like your answer best of all because it addresses a point I did not think about.


No consent, no go. If the woman wanted to have her drink spiked and then sex, then no rape.

You have to lie? That sounds about right for most guys. Is it pathetic? I mean that women expect it and even force it, or they won't have sex? Yes. Is it sad we cave into those petty demands and debase ourselves? Yes...

Same holds true for guys who expect lying.

Sounds like the excuse "But every one is doing it," and I hate it. It doesn't work for my 3 children, it doesn't work here. I do not lie and guess what? Puss-puss still cometh (Double pun!) However, I won't lie (Lol, otherwise that would be Sift-rape it has been a hard process finding women who enjoy modesty and truth. I am not the best, nor will I be the best. I am not a doctor, nor will I be one. I make enough, but not enough to get rich. Out of twenty women who hear that, only one will accept you, but that one is at least, for the most part, better than the 19 others out there.

We wonder why divorce rates are at 50%? Must be honesty...

It's funny, we bash politicians for their lies yet high five our buddies when they get some nookie for their own lies...


Read that and check out the video attached. There's a few things that stood out.

1) She didn't report the "rape" for a month and a half.
2) The courts insist the verdict was based on him lying about being single rather than Jewish. I'm a little more comfortable with that.

I'd like to hear what @demon_ix has to say about this since he lives there and all.


What kind of world do we live in when self-admitted ethnocentric bigots don't have the right to know every single insignificant detail about their hastily chosen sexual partners?! Someone please think about the xenophobes!

So basically, according to this case, ignorant dimwits have additional rights when it comes to consent than normal well-adjusted individuals simply by virtue of them being ignorant dimwits? Sounds like your typical bigot childishly demanding special treatment while not extending it to anyone else, all the while attempting to actively erode/take advantage of the very Enlightenment values that allow Western-style societies (like the one she enjoys) to function at all, all in the name of further ethnic, racial, or religious segregation. The duplicity on display is staggering.

Change your disgusting attitude towards other human beings who aren't part of your homogeneous in-group and it becomes a non-issue you big crybaby.


Israel was a strange country. In the summer and fall of 1992 you'd have found me in either Tel Aviv or within the walls of the old city of Jerusalem. I often went for long walks in the evenings and it happened several times that on Allenby Street or maybe Dizengoff that an Israeli would strike up a conversation and then quickly jump to explain how "we are the same you and me, but the Arabs are animals." Or it was dogs. Or cockroaches. It always shocked me and I'd look at my watch and say something about being late.

I'd been having a wonderful time playing backgammon and chain-smoking Nelsons with the Palestinian and Egyptian friends I'd made at the open-sided cafes in Arab east Jerusalem.

Israeli racism is not unique. Franz Fanon wrote the definitive work on the racism of colonialism. (The Wretched of the Earth)

Gabriel Ash is an Israeli journalist, originally from Romania. Ash's article "Diagnosing Benny Morris: The Mind of a European Settler" is a lucid and powerful indictment.


Whoa. Although the racism here is apparent, the situation itself is still complex. Consent is absolutely consensual, and to compare the situation of a male withholding information to a women with its antipode is to ignore the reality of a patriarchal society where men benefit substantially for gender privilege. With that in mind, examining this situation requires one to look at what it means for a man to withhold information to a woman, explicitly for sexual purposes as alleged in this case. Under those conditions, the relationship becomes exploitative. And yes, this can occur the other way around, but that wouldn't be perpetuating an exploitative relationship that has been strong for hundreds of years now. We have to see this situation in the larger context, thats crucial in determining any moral critique. With that in mind, what was the information that was withheld? He was an Arab in an apartheid state. Is that grounds to declare rape?

We can't know what his intentions were. Was he moving for sex or was he in love? The context is vital to determining how exploitative their relationship was. If the alleged case is true, then he is at fault. However, the fact that he is an Arab and now is in prison shows two things. One, that the woman is playing an active part in maintaining the apartheid in Israel and two: their relationship didn't seem to have much substance.



tsquire1: " compare the situation of a male withholding information to a women with its antipode is to ignore the reality of a patriarchal society where men benefit substantially for gender privilege."

I agree. The imbalance of power between men and women is institutionalized, ie. patriarchy, so that while individually women can be hateful or "sexist," there's no entrenchent, and little to no meaningful empowerment for women to subvert and reverse structural injustice and inequalities. And so it is with racism. A Palestinian can hate Jewish Israelis, but from outside.

In Israel Palestinians are "the other." They have nothing in the way of leverage, so instead there's misery, frustration and endless intractable conflict. So it is that from despair erupts the most existentially strange phenomenon of violence: the suicide bomber.

It's one of those historical ironies that the first suicide bomber in Israel/Palestine was an early zionist.


>> ^jwray:

>> ^AnimalsForCrackers:
>> ^jwray:
Rape by deception would be a real crime if he were lying about his STDs. But this is racism.

Or lying about one's age even. But this case is clearly in a league of its own.

So if a 16 year old lies to her 20yo partner and says she's 20, are they both guilty of a crime?

I was mainly referring to adults lying to minors about their age to take advantage of them. I should have specified.

So to answer your question, in my opinion, no.


>> ^xxovercastxx:
I'd be more comfortable with this story if the dude was being charged with some sort of fraud, but he's charged with rape. Rape is unconsensual sex and that is not what transpired here. She gave apparently consent before and during; it can't be withdrawn retroactively.
If she wanted that sort of guarantee then she should have had a lawyer draw up a contract.
I hope I misunderstood your example of a girl passing out while drinking. Someone who is unconscious can't consent so I don't see how that could not be rape. If she was just really trashed, gave consent and later regretted it, I'd agree that's not rape. The guy is probably a scumbag, but he's in the clear legally.
>> ^Lawdeedaw:
One last thought; if you disagree with me I will agree with you so long as you answer one question.
If fraud is a crime---say you make a ponzi scheme---because you lie and cheat people out of a commodity, then why is it not fraud (at least) cheating people out of a commodity known as sex through lies? Sex is the oldest commodity after all...
Too, fraud is nothing but a lie. No actual stealing happens... So fraud is BS? Or is there a special exception?
Prove to me that fraud is a crime because of more than just a lie and being a cheat, and I will agree that this is not a crime either.

Of course it is rape to have sex with a passed out person because consent can only based off expectations relative of why you are engaging in the act. Remember, in Israel, rape by deception is not technically rape. It is more fraud based than that. It is a different culture.

My strongest argument is; is it consent when the sex is based on critically false notions?

Thanks for the better argument out of everyone! I agree that your way is much more acurate than all the other people who accept lying as just another day in the hood.

Oh---and it is rape even when "consent" is given by a really trashed person. Of course that only applies to females, mind you. But what can you do?


>> ^qualm:
tsquire1: " compare the situation of a male withholding information to a women with its antipode is to ignore the reality of a patriarchal society where men benefit substantially for gender privilege."
I agree. The imbalance of power between men and women is institutionalized, ie. patriarchy, so that while individually women can be hateful or "sexist," there's no entrenchent, and little to no meaningful empowerment for women to subvert and reverse structural injustice and inequalities. And so it is with racism. A Palestinian can hate Jewish Israelis, but from outside.
In Israel Palestinians are "the other." They have nothing in the way of leverage, so instead there's misery, frustration and endless intractable conflict. So it is that from despair erupts the most existentially strange phenomenon of violence: the suicide bomber.
It's one of those historical ironies that the first suicide bomber in Israel/Palestine was an early zionist.

I have found that women hold most of the power in the Western World. All the jokes are not so funny about how "pussy-whipped" men are when it is a reality for many, many men.

My wife tried breaking me for five years! Five fucking years! You would think she would lose her entitlement issues in the gender race. I am thankful we are now equals. Also, my father was broken by my mother, my brothers by their wives, my wife's family by their husbands... You get the point... All that is left over is a souless slave that works to feed a woman's need to spend or be the bully...


>> ^qualm:
tsquire1: " compare the situation of a male withholding information to a women with its antipode is to ignore the reality of a patriarchal society where men benefit substantially for gender privilege."
I agree. The imbalance of power between men and women is institutionalized, ie. patriarchy, so that while individually women can be hateful or "sexist," there's no entrenchent, and little to no meaningful empowerment for women to subvert and reverse structural injustice and inequalities. And so it is with racism. A Palestinian can hate Jewish Israelis, but from outside.
In Israel Palestinians are "the other." They have nothing in the way of leverage, so instead there's misery, frustration and endless intractable conflict. So it is that from despair erupts the most existentially strange phenomenon of violence: the suicide bomber.
It's one of those historical ironies that the first suicide bomber in Israel/Palestine was an early zionist.

Wow, really, a negative down vote? For stating what my expericence has been?

My brother gets beaten by his wife and his wife gets taken to jail. Also, his wife threatened him about sending his ass to jail as she slapped herself in the face. Well, good thing the cops were listening at the door and took pictures of his injuries! That was in addition to being forced to live with his wife's abusive parapaligic mother too...

And my father, god, how horrible that was for him... I feel bad for him when at 3 in the morning my mother still ranted...

But even then, if it would commonly stop at those and a few more experiences, I would say that women-dominence is an isolated thing and not culturally driven... However, the cliches are there because our culture does drive inequality---both ways!

But because I have seen the other side of patriachal-female driven society, you down vote my idea...

Wow, how silly of you! I will not dispute that women are not paid as much as men, nor do they recieve the same chances for jobs that men have ample opportunity get. But of course, that must not be enough to please qualm, huh?


Lawdeedaw "’re dancing with a woman you’re buying conspicuous amounts of alcohol and she passes out… You do the little dirty and... Why is that rape? She took the alcohol willingly. You did not lie about anything… Certainly she should have reasonably known and accepted the consequences of her intentional actions; like a drunk driver."

This guy might as well be from Neptune.


>> ^qualm:
Lawdeedaw "’re dancing with a woman you’re buying conspicuous amounts of alcohol and she passes out… You do the little dirty and... Why is that rape? She took the alcohol willingly. You did not lie about anything… Certainly she should have reasonably known and accepted the consequences of her intentional actions; like a drunk driver."
This guy might as well be from Neptune.

You did not notice the sarcasm? You did not quote that I said it was indeed rape? You must be from Neptune but hey, keep lying and down voting me. You must have gotten your lying tongue from your mother? She really must have had loose lips huh? Of course I mean nothing perverted about that, no, not me. Of course it might not have been her, but we cannot trust you on that can we?

Be just like John Mccain and Sara Palin and countless other political people with your folksy "Gotta find the most flaming point and distort it till it is not true." You sir should be in Congress.


>> ^qualm:
You haven't been here very long but in practically all of your comments your hatred for women is glaringly obvious. You are repulsive to me.

Does that change the fact that you distorted my comments? No.

Now, if you truly believe that I said drunk women who were raped without consent---when they had passed out for example---were at fault and so gave consent, then of course you would misunderstand that I am sexist... That is a long, far-fetched piece of work and glaringly ridiculous.

These are my beliefs, and try to debunk them and still consider me sexist if you like.

Men and women both have major faults. In certain cultures (Early United States of America) women were treated and classified as property. I give that a big thumbs down! In certain societies (Later in the United States of America) men are treated as jokes to be regulated as such. Big thumbs down! This is inequality on both sides and makes me sad.

A husband and wife should have equal say and responsibility. They should stick up for each other and support each other's strengths and weaknesses. It used to be that men could choke their wives whenever and for whatever reason they wanted to! Boo... Nowadays women can do the same, so long as she leaves a few bruises upon herself. Boo...

If, and only if, the man or woman is qualified, there should be equal employment opportunities for both sexes. If not, the sex not qualified should not hold the position.

See, the problem is Qualm, now others think I have issues with women because of your misperceptions. And what will they say? "He thinks its okay to rape women." Gah, I cannot have a different opinion based upon my growings up and be as right as everyone else... because that is not popular or sensational...

You tell me when I am sexist, one-on-one and reasonibly, and I will work on it if indeed I am being sexist. I have an open mind but remember, I leave the burden of proof on you.

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