Girls Suck at Video Games

A clever short film by Stéphanie Mercier. It’s a bit of social commentary about gender roles in the form of a 2D video game.

Via neatorama

well the message is pretty stupid and sexist.

according to this only women look after kids and do all the responsible roles and some how that's linked to them not getting as high score in the game of life? lower salary ? not regarded as good as men?

I mean fair enough if its a reflection of 1950s sensablities which is possable due to the 1950s style charactor art.

ether way its pretty poorly thought out which is a shame as it could have had a bit of depth by cleverly utilising memes within computer games to convey a realistic view of women and there rolls and socialitys perception or actual reality of there position in society.


^Maybe you haven't heard, but women still do the majority of child rearing and housekeeping in 2-income homes.

And the score indicates that women make less money not because of their additional responsibilities at home, but because of sexism. Maybe you also haven't heard, but women make significantly less money than their male peers.


Should woman get less recognition and pay than men? Absolutlely not!

But femanist premise is that where women were told their place was in the home, they can now have whatever life they choose - HOWEVER. It has lead to a generation of women being raised with the false logic that they must have both a full professional career and a full family to be happy.

Regardless of gender it is simply not possible to be both primary carer AND work a 40-50hr career. It brings stress not happiness. This sterotype that women struggle to keep up with leads to women waiting till they're over 40 to have babies and then the children being raised by nannies and care centres.

(Yes sometimes raised by Dad... but that's more about what expectations boys are given, not femanine Equality - and the pros and cons of femanising the roles little boys learn is a whole other argument.)

It shouldnt be dictated by men - but Women shouldn't be judged for feeling being a mother is more important than having a career.


>> ^kronosposeidon:

^Maybe you haven't heard, but women still do the majority of child rearing and housekeeping in 2-income homes.
And the score indicates that women make less money not because of their additional responsibilities at home, but because of sexism. Maybe you also haven't heard, but women make significantly less money than their male peers.

Maby you are unaware of how oversimplifying issues and presenting something quite complex in a narrow minded and overly simplistic way dose nothing to clarify or communicate an issue, it just produces more morons on the other end of the spectrum.


I don't know where you people work, but were I work there are a lot of women who make 3 more digits than I do. They also have a shit ton more responsibility than I.

Perhaps it is a stereotype I'm unaware of. Perhaps that's because the places I've worked measure many things. To judge someone by their Sex is a terminable issue, the standard of evidence is even less than what the courts require in civil cases.

That's not to say it doesn't happen.

Anyone who has a problem with female peers doesn't understand that sex has no matter when it comes to doing your job and succeeding at it. I think that any corporate workplace with a bias to gender, or sexuality is an unworthy, and disgusting place work at.

But on the other hand, share-holders don't give a shit what gender you are; only that you bring in the money.


Edit: Nevermind.

>> ^westy:

>> ^kronosposeidon:
^Maybe you haven't heard, but women still do the majority of child rearing and housekeeping in 2-income homes.
And the score indicates that women make less money not because of their additional responsibilities at home, but because of sexism. Maybe you also haven't heard, but women make significantly less money than their male peers.

Maby you are unaware of how oversimplifying issues and presenting something quite complex in a narrow minded and overly simplistic way dose nothing to clarify or communicate an issue, it just produces more morons on the other end of the spectrum.


Edit: Nevermind. >> ^NordlichReiter:

I don't know where you people work, but were I work there are a lot of women who make 3 more digits than I do. They also have a shit ton more responsibility than I.
Perhaps it is a stereotype I'm unaware of. Perhaps that's because the places I've worked measure many things. To judge someone by their Sex is a terminable issue, the standard of evidence is even less than what the courts require in civil cases.
That's not to say it doesn't happen.
Anyone who has a problem with female peers doesn't understand that sex has no matter when it comes to doing your job and succeeding at it. I think that any corporate workplace with a bias to gender, or sexuality is an unworthy, and disgusting place work at.
But on the other hand, share-holders don't give a shit what gender you are; only that you bring in the money.


>> ^NordlichReiter:

I don't know where you people work, but were I work there are a lot of women who make 3 more digits than I do. They also have a shit ton more responsibility than I.
Perhaps it is a stereotype I'm unaware of. Perhaps that's because the places I've worked measure many things. To judge someone by their Sex is a terminable issue, the standard of evidence is even less than what the courts require in civil cases.
That's not to say it doesn't happen.
Anyone who has a problem with female peers doesn't understand that sex has no matter when it comes to doing your job and succeeding at it. I think that any corporate workplace with a bias to gender, or sexuality is an unworthy, and disgusting place work at.
But on the other hand, share-holders don't give a shit what gender you are; only that you bring in the money.

I'm glad that your one anecdote means that women have nothing to worry about. Women, on average, get paid less than men. There are plenty of studies to back that up. Women are less likely to be hired if they have children and less likely to be hired even if they don't on the expectation that they will have children. Obviously if they're the primary caregiver, they have less time for work and they get maternity leave. Less time working means less promotions and so on which is part of the reason for the wage gap. Companies are reluctant to hire women for important positions regardless if they're good or not even if shareholders only care about money. Take a look at how many women are CEOs. Do you think that it's because women are just not as good as men as managing companies?

Men have children too, so why do women get picked on? Apparently it's "false logic" according to westy that women can have a full family and a full professional career but it's pretty easy for men. That's because even today, in 2010, women are generally expected to do most, if not all, of the care for the children. Men don't get paternity leave, being a stay at home dad isn't really socially accepted so it falls to the mother to do most of the work. It's not the 50's anymore so women at least have the option of maintaining a career but there's still that belief that the mom does the housework while the dad brings home the money.


>> ^westy:

>> ^CrushBug:
Wow, Westy, you really missed the entire point, didn't you?

I did ?
maby you can tell my how and where I missed the point.

This whole video is a criticism of the view that women should let their career suffer to look after kids and you seem to think it's supporting it. You may think it's typical of the 50's but it's true today as well.

Also the character art is in the style of early 90's video games, not 1950's...


>> ^Tagichatn:

>> ^NordlichReiter:
I don't know where you people work, but were I work there are a lot of women who make 3 more digits than I do. They also have a shit ton more responsibility than I.
Perhaps it is a stereotype I'm unaware of. Perhaps that's because the places I've worked measure many things. To judge someone by their Sex is a terminable issue, the standard of evidence is even less than what the courts require in civil cases.
That's not to say it doesn't happen.
Anyone who has a problem with female peers doesn't understand that sex has no matter when it comes to doing your job and succeeding at it. I think that any corporate workplace with a bias to gender, or sexuality is an unworthy, and disgusting place work at.
But on the other hand, share-holders don't give a shit what gender you are; only that you bring in the money.

I'm glad that your one anecdote means that women have nothing to worry about. Women, on average, get paid less than men. There are plenty of studies to back that up. Women are less likely to be hired if they have children and less likely to be hired even if they don't on the expectation that they will have children. Obviously if they're the primary caregiver, they have less time for work and they get maternity leave. Less time working means less promotions and so on which is part of the reason for the wage gap. Companies are reluctant to hire women for important positions regardless if they're good or not even if shareholders only care about money. Take a look at how many women are CEOs. Do you think that it's because women are just not as good as men as managing companies?
Men have children too, so why do women get picked on? Apparently it's "false logic" according to westy that women can have a full family and a full professional career but it's pretty easy for men. That's because even today, in 2010, women are generally expected to do most, if not all, of the care for the children. Men don't get paternity leave, being a stay at home dad isn't really socially accepted so it falls to the mother to do most of the work. It's not the 50's anymore so women at least have the option of maintaining a career but there's still that belief that the mom does the housework while the dad brings home the money.

I guess that's exactly what I said, isn't it. That women don't have a thing to worry about. Huh, maybe so. I just read my comment again, I missed the part where I said they don't have anything to worry about. I did say that specific places of occupation do not have a gender bias.

It's funny now that you mention it. That men don't get paternity leave, because the company I work for allows for that.


re NordlichReiter: I won't quote the whole thing because it's already ridiculous.
While you didn't specifically state women had nothing to worry about, the whole tone of your post indicated that it wasn't a problem. You're offering an anecdote as if it means something on a larger level. Sure, it's not a problem at specific places but not everyone has the luxury of picking and choosing or even knowing what those are. I'm saying it's a widespread problem on a societal level.

If you read the FMLA, it says covered employers must grant eligible employees paid leave. Small companies are exempt and not every employee is eligible. Most Western countries have mandated parental leave, the US does not. Some countries even offer years of leave whereas the FMLA is limited to 12 weeks. Belarus and Latvia offer more time than that.


"It shouldnt be dictated by men - but Women shouldn't be judged for feeling being a mother is more important than having a career."

I agree, granted it's their choice. Though sometimes even when they do, they really don't if you get my meaning, due to the pervasiveness of patriarchal tradition which has infected almost every aspect of our culture. The whole point is in many societies and situations, they don't have any say in the matter at all. Does one really have choice if they're ineptly equipped or educated to properly compare and contrast them?

Where they do have a choice, that's fine and dandy (even then though again, the pressures to conform to the typical patriarchal mindset, where men are the authority and women play along under some threat of ostracism and don't have nearly any autonomy, combined with poverty/poor education, leaves them with little choice but to continue on with the only thing they know which is to perpetuate/pass on their patriarchal memes to their own children and so on). These mindsets are usually almost always accompanied by some other outdated, intrinsically misogynous doctrines such as religious/mystical belief where authority is pretty much god-given.

Of course, it's much more complicated than my own ramblings but you get the general idea, yeah? Humanity can only benefit by throwing off these obsolete and oppressive machinations which in effect hold everyone, male and female alike, back.


I guess if you see your own kids as hurdles to be jumped over as you madly dash for the next promotion, maybe parenting isn't for you. . . Of course men are generally the ones guilty of this. You need to fucking straighten out your priorities if you think a high wage makes up for a squandered life.


I think this video is sexist, misogynistic, incredulous, cantankerous, Wonkalicious, not-so-supercalafragilisticexpialidocious, and downright mean-spirited or something like that. Downvote anything I don't understand! RAAAWR!


>> ^Tagichatn:

>> ^westy:
>> ^CrushBug:
Wow, Westy, you really missed the entire point, didn't you?

I did ?
maby you can tell my how and where I missed the point.

This whole video is a criticism of the view that women should let their career suffer to look after kids and you seem to think it's supporting it. You may think it's typical of the 50's but it's true today as well.
Also the character art is in the style of early 90's video games, not 1950's...

Right the woman character in this thing is in the style of 90s video game ?

also if you actually look into it deeper then you will come to the same conclusion as me.

this video only communicates the same message against sexism that's 20 years old and not really representative of the real issue or the reality of where we are at with sexism now.

it adds nothing to the discussion .

and as I said before its a complete over simplification of the issue.


>> ^westy:

>> ^Tagichatn:
>> ^westy:
>> ^CrushBug:
Wow, Westy, you really missed the entire point, didn't you?

I did ?
maby you can tell my how and where I missed the point.

This whole video is a criticism of the view that women should let their career suffer to look after kids and you seem to think it's supporting it. You may think it's typical of the 50's but it's true today as well.
Also the character art is in the style of early 90's video games, not 1950's...

Right the woman character in this thing is in the style of 90s video game ?
also if you actually look into it deeper then you will come to the same conclusion as me.
this video only communicates the same message against sexism that's 20 years old and not really representative of the real issue or the reality of where we are at with sexism now.
it adds nothing to the discussion .
and as I said before its a complete over simplification of the issue.

Where do you think sexism is today? This video is talking about inequality in professional life, child care and housework. Do you think that the inequality doesn't exist?


you think that a video that dose nothing to clarify an issue and introduces its own false hoods through an over simplification of an issue is productive?

>> ^Tagichatn:

>> ^westy:
>> ^Tagichatn:
>> ^westy:
>> ^CrushBug:
Wow, Westy, you really missed the entire point, didn't you?

I did ?
maby you can tell my how and where I missed the point.

This whole video is a criticism of the view that women should let their career suffer to look after kids and you seem to think it's supporting it. You may think it's typical of the 50's but it's true today as well.
Also the character art is in the style of early 90's video games, not 1950's...

Right the woman character in this thing is in the style of 90s video game ?
also if you actually look into it deeper then you will come to the same conclusion as me.
this video only communicates the same message against sexism that's 20 years old and not really representative of the real issue or the reality of where we are at with sexism now.
it adds nothing to the discussion .
and as I said before its a complete over simplification of the issue.

Where do you think sexism is today? This video is talking about inequality in professional life, child care and housework. Do you think that the inequality doesn't exist?


It's a dark comedy that presents a female's perspective in the form of a simple video game animation. As a female myself, I found it using hyperbole with a ring of truth. I get that you are playing clueless broken record for your trolling act, but you know well that it's not a fucking literal dissertation.

>> ^westy:

you think that a video that dose nothing to clarify an issue and introduces its own false hoods through an over simplification of an issue is productive?


Blah, blah, blah. Women have it soooooo hard. Let's see the male reply to that game, where the man meets a woman, she sets demands on his time and his money, has a family, so he busts his ass, pays his dues, barely scrapes by while his wife spends all his money on useless shit until the day that he catches her banging the pool boy and then blames it on him because he's always working and emotionally unavailable. Then she takes the kids and all his money, marries a new rich guy, and he drinks himself to death.


>> ^Issykitty:

It's a dark comedy that presents a female's perspective in the form of a simple video game animation. As a female myself, I found it using hyperbole with a ring of truth. I get that you are playing clueless broken record for your trolling act, but you know well that it's not a fucking literal dissertation.
>> ^westy:
you think that a video that dose nothing to clarify an issue and introduces its own false hoods through an over simplification of an issue is productive?

The video is sexist towards men by bing compleaty ignorant and reinforcing typecast of men that have been proven to be wrong.

evan though this video is intended as a light hearted jab and its expected that it will have flaws , that dosent some how make it ok or good to repeat the same tired old argument (especially an argument that's not beneficial to defeating sexism and is sexisist in its self) , simply placing it in a new context is not realy good enoughf especaily as like said in my first post you could easily use the game context to portray something in a far more acuret , amusing ohnist and clever way.

yes sexism exists towards women , but it exists towards men as well. its sexist to only attack one side of sexism again , the video follows the same oversimplified message as a vast majority of anti sexim tripe that is out there.

it appears that you have not bothered to register what I actually said and then go on to insult me.
your the one doing the trolling here , its not trolling to write a well formed argument with resions behind it , it is however trolling to accuse sum one of trolling bassed on nothing.


>> ^ridesallyridenc:

Blah, blah, blah. Women have it soooooo hard. Let's see the male reply to that game, where the man meets a woman, she sets demands on his time and his money, has a family, so he busts his ass, pays his dues, barely scrapes by while his wife spends all his money on useless shit until the day that he catches her banging the pool boy and then blames it on him because he's always working and emotionally unavailable. Then she takes the kids and all his money, marries a new rich guy, and he drinks himself to death.

Its a shame that people are incapable of seeing that this clip is efectivly what you said. maby not quite as exstreem but not that far off.


>> ^coolhund:

Geez guys... its a fun video... Why do you have to take things like that so seriously?

Probably because it's a serious issue. Maybe if we all made humorous "ironic" comments like Blankfist sexism would just go away.

Also I think westy is just trolling. It's hard to believe anyone types that badly on purpose and says stuff along the lines of attacking sexism is inherently sexist unless you take into account sexism towards men. Because men are so downtrodden, being the normative privileged social group and all. They need the help. If there's some aspect of society that you feel is being unfairly sexist to men, then go out and talk about it or make a video or something. This video is about sexism versus women and its purpose is not even to encompass all varieties of sexism directed towards women, much less men.


>> ^Tagichatn:

>> ^coolhund:
Geez guys... its a fun video... Why do you have to take things like that so seriously?

Probably because it's a serious issue. Maybe if we all made humorous "ironic" comments like Blankfist sexism would just go away.
Also I think westy is just trolling. It's hard to believe anyone types that badly on purpose and says stuff along the lines of attacking sexism is inherently sexist unless you take into account sexism towards men. Because men are so downtrodden, being the normative privileged social group and all. They need the help. If there's some aspect of society that you feel is being unfairly sexist to men, then go out and talk about it or make a video or something. This video is about sexism versus women and its purpose is not even to encompass all varieties of sexism directed towards women, much less men.

No its just mornick to make an argument that itself is ignorant.

You can easily make an argument that piont sout racisum towardsa black people without also been racist towards white people.

aside from all that the video is just cheep and relies soaly on "oh this is so original doing it in the context of a game" my main point is that using the context of games you could make a far deeper and valid argument and something that was of arguable far higher artistic merit.

If you want people to listen to your argument or draw attention to sexism its better to do it with a good argument rather than a crap one.

I don't think people particualy need to make an argument towards sexisum towards men as its not as much of an issue as sexism towards women its just idoitc to try and draw atention to an issue with a pore argument.


I was hoping not to get into the whole gender argument but I have to chime in.
First of all, maybe my home is different but...

Yes, I find this comparison way off.
When my kids were babies, I took just as much care of them as my wife and sometimes more so.
I was the one who got up in the night with them, even when my wife was on maturity leave.
I changed the diapers most of the time.
I was working low paying jobs while my wife made a good union wage.
At one point, It was I who had to quit my job to be home with them while my wife worked.
I do almost all of the cooking.
Until my current job, my wife's income almost doubled mine

I could go on and on but the point is, many of my friends are the same. The 50s roles of mom and dad don't exist any more. Life has become a two income home for most of us and many cases, we work extra jobs on the side just to make ends meet. (3.5 income home). In most homes I know, the dads are very active in raising the children and keeping the house clean etc.

I understand this "Men with higher incomes world exists, I've just never seen it. I see many wives and woman in general out there in the work force making the same wage as the men. I know of many men out there that can't get a decent job that pays above poverty level and many more women out there with good union paying jobs. Yes, I've seen some women out there that don't work and stay with the children - out of choice - My wife hates working (as do we all), and would rather be at home full-time with the kids.

Life just doesn't work that way - we have to pay bills in a world where 2, 3 and four income households are becoming the norm. If in some fantastic world, I managed to double my wage and bring home enough money so my wife could quit working and be at home full time, wouldn't that skew the statistics? I would be that man who made more money than the woman, and she would be that woman who (choosing not to work) made less money.

But it doesn't matter, I don't live in a world where a single income can pay for a family of four.
We both work, We both volunteer, We both look after the kids and we both look after domestic chores. We both have the capability to make the full paycheck. I'd say we both have the same privileges of status.

Out of the fist ten friends that come to mind, the wife make more money (or equal amounts) in seven of those families.
In one, the wife doesn't work due to depression and stays home with the kids.
One works part time - and stays home with the kids by choice
And one just makes less money because of the choice of job she chooses.

So, for the average family, I just don't buy it. Maybe it used to be true but in today's world, if one spouse makes less money, it's because they made a choice at some point to either take a lower paying job or didn't train for better.
While there are many excuses, we are way past the days where we can blame domestic life as an excuse to hold women back. Just as there are many excuses as to why some men are the same.

>> ^kronosposeidon:

^Maybe you haven't heard, but women still do the majority of child rearing and housekeeping in 2-income homes.
And the score indicates that women make less money not because of their additional responsibilities at home, but because of sexism. Maybe you also haven't heard, but women make significantly less money than their male peers.


I can't agree with this.
Either you are a career person or you are a stay at home parent.
A dedication to the job at hand lets you succeed. No one can be expected to do both and be expected to excel at the same rate as the person who just chooses one. (male or female).

In Canada, yes, Men can get paternity, though most women would never give up their maternity to let them. (Only one parent can claim.) My wife took the maternity rights.

Yes, I was a stay at home dad (for a time) - and it was socially accepted - in fact I was commended!

NO! Woman are not expected to do the most - where do you get that from???
If the spouse isn't pulling their weight, it's a communication/relationship issue - talk to the spouse, don't blame "society" for something you let happen. (male or female)

Most of the (domestic)work falls to who ever is home with the kids, that's the way it is. Someone has to be there at some point. And when the other spouse gets home, they chip in, in equal portions. If they don't, then that says more about the relationship than society. By the way, while one spouse is at home working for the home, the other is out working to pay for it - It's not like they are away from the home avoiding responsibility).

This whole dad goes to work and brings home the bacon while mom stays home with the kids just DOESN'T exist in the real world for the average family. If you believe that, you're kidding yourself. No one can exist on a single income any more. If they can, then it's a privilege for the spouse who gets to spend the time at home with the kids and should thank the other spouse every day for their good fortune. (male or female) !!!

>> ^Tagichatn:

Men have children too, so why do women get picked on? Apparently it's "false logic" according to westy that women can have a full family and a full professional career but it's pretty easy for men. That's because even today, in 2010, women are generally expected to do most, if not all, of the care for the children. Men don't get paternity leave, being a stay at home dad isn't really socially accepted so it falls to the mother to do most of the work. It's not the 50's anymore so women at least have the option of maintaining a career but there's still that belief that the mom does the housework while the dad brings home the money.


>> ^Sagemind:

I can't agree with this.
Either you are a career person or you are a stay at home parent.
A dedication to the job at hand lets you succeed. No one can be expected to do both and be expected to excel at the same rate as the person who just chooses one. (male or female).
In Canada, yes, Men can get paternity, though most women would never give up their maternity to let them. (Only one parent can claim.) My wife took the maternity rights.
Yes, I was a stay at home dad (for a time) - and it was socially accepted - in fact I was commended!
NO! Woman are not expected to do the most - where do you get that from???
If the spouse isn't pulling their weight, it's a communication/relationship issue - talk to the spouse, don't blame "society" for something you let happen. (male or female)
Most of the (domestic)work falls to who ever is home with the kids, that's the way it is. Someone has to be there at some point. And when the other spouse gets home, they chip in, in equal portions. If they don't, then that says more about the relationship than society. By the way, while one spouse is at home working for the home, the other is out working to pay for it - It's not like they are away from the home avoiding responsibility).
This whole dad goes to work and brings home the bacon while mom stays home with the kids just DOESN'T exist in the real world for the average family. If you believe that, you're kidding yourself. No one can exist on a single income any more. If they can, then it's a privilege for the spouse who gets to spend the time at home with the kids and should thank the other spouse every day for their good fortune. (male or female) !!!
>> ^Tagichatn:
Men have children too, so why do women get picked on? Apparently it's "false logic" according to westy that women can have a full family and a full professional career but it's pretty easy for men. That's because even today, in 2010, women are generally expected to do most, if not all, of the care for the children. Men don't get paternity leave, being a stay at home dad isn't really socially accepted so it falls to the mother to do most of the work. It's not the 50's anymore so women at least have the option of maintaining a career but there's still that belief that the mom does the housework while the dad brings home the money.

It's great that in your relationship things were shared and done equally but how many times do I have to say this? Anecdotes don't matter! My mom was a stay at home mom so therefore 1950's housewives are clearly widespread! Anyway, that's not even my argument. I readily admit that 2 income households have come to dominate but my point is that the 1950's style of thinking still dominates. Even in 2 income households where both parents work and should therefore split the load of housework and childcare, women still are expected
to do the majority of the housework.

You said you've never seen women working for less. I can't speak for Canada but this is from the US Census:
From a related study based on the census, "Even accounting for factors such as occupation, industry, race, marital status and job tenure, reports the GAO, working women today earn an average of 80 cents for every dollar earned by their male counterparts."

Too bad not every women works with you, otherwise they would totally be equal and it wouldn't be a problem!

2 income homes are not equal either. Women do more work and men have more leisure time on average. Here's a survey done by the New York times:

You can post about your personal experiences all day but your experiences are not everyone elses. This is a societal problem, anecdotes don't tell the full story.


So you just don't buy it, based on your personal experience, right? You're generalizing trends based just on what you've seen and what you've experienced in your own home. This is a logical fallacy based on converse accident. You even say in your second statement, "First of all, maybe my house is different..." So right there you're admitting that your situation may be the exception rather than the rule. And it most certainly is.

First of all, the gender wage gap exists:

1. Women’s Earnings Fall; U.S. Census Bureau Finds Rising Gender Wage Gap
2. Statistics Canada: Average earnings by sex and work pattern
3. Statistics Norway: Gender Gap
4. Swedish National Mediation Office: Report examines gender pay gap

And there are more studies where those came from.

Secondly, in most cases (but certainly not all), women do more child rearing and housekeeping in two-income households. (I know this isn't the '50s. I never said it was, nor even came close to implying it. If it were the '50s then most households would be single-income.)

1. Time Crunch for Female Scientists: They Do More Housework Than Men
2. Working women do more chores than men
3. Women Do More Housework, Men Less Upon Marriage
4. Single women 'do less housework'
5. Married women unite! Husbands do less housework

And so on.

Equality has not been reached yet for most women in most careers and in most households. The video above tells a small part of this story, in an incisive manner. Though some may suggest that it is, it is not sexist to point out sexism, just like it's not racist to point out racism. To live in denial of the facts does not help solve the problem.
>> ^Sagemind:

I was hoping not to get into the whole gender argument but I have to chime in.
First of all, maybe my home is different but...
Yes, I find this comparison way off.
When my kids were babies, I took just as much care of them as my wife and sometimes more so.
I was the one who got up in the night with them, even when my wife was on maturity leave.
I changed the diapers most of the time.
I was working low paying jobs while my wife made a good union wage.
At one point, It was I who had to quit my job to be home with them while my wife worked.
I do almost all of the cooking.
Until my current job, my wife's income almost doubled mine
I could go on and on but the point is, many of my friends are the same. The 50s roles of mom and dad don't exist any more. Life has become a two income home for most of us and many cases, we work extra jobs on the side just to make ends meet. (3.5 income home). In most homes I know, the dads are very active in raising the children and keeping the house clean etc.
I understand this "Men with higher incomes world exists, I've just never seen it. I see many wives and woman in general out there in the work force making the same wage as the men. I know of many men out there that can't get a decent job that pays above poverty level and many more women out there with good union paying jobs. Yes, I've seen some women out there that don't work and stay with the children - out of choice - My wife hates working (as do we all), and would rather be at home full-time with the kids.
Life just doesn't work that way - we have to pay bills in a world where 2, 3 and four income households are becoming the norm. If in some fantastic world, I managed to double my wage and bring home enough money so my wife could quit working and be at home full time, wouldn't that skew the statistics? I would be that man who made more money than the woman, and she would be that woman who (choosing not to work) made less money.
But it doesn't matter, I don't live in a world where a single income can pay for a family of four.
We both work, We both volunteer, We both look after the kids and we both look after domestic chores. We both have the capability to make the full paycheck. I'd say we both have the same privileges of status.
Out of the fist ten friends that come to mind, the wife make more money (or equal amounts) in seven of those families.
In one, the wife doesn't work due to depression and stays home with the kids.
One works part time - and stays home with the kids by choice
And one just makes less money because of the choice of job she chooses.
So, for the average family, I just don't buy it. Maybe it used to be true but in today's world, if one spouse makes less money, it's because they made a choice at some point to either take a lower paying job or didn't train for better.
While there are many excuses, we are way past the days where we can blame domestic life as an excuse to hold women back. Just as there are many excuses as to why some men are the same.

>> ^kronosposeidon:
^Maybe you haven't heard, but women still do the majority of child rearing and housekeeping in 2-income homes.
And the score indicates that women make less money not because of their additional responsibilities at home, but because of sexism. Maybe you also haven't heard, but women make significantly less money than their male peers.


My casual observation is that if a woman wrote and directed this, certainly she still sees some societal issues with gender roles. I've also observed that there is no small number of women who feel this way.

As a man, I have noticed that men are at the top of every power structure in my society. Women have made increasing inroads during my lifetime, but they're far from equal. Quick tip for knowing when gender equality is a non-issue: it's when every country's parliament is made up of roughly equal numbers of men and women, when the management teams of all companies are made up of roughly equal numbers of men and women, and the "richest people in the world" list has as many men as women, and in any given year you can't be sure if it'll be a man or a woman at the top of the list, or taking up residence in the White House.

I'll also know when it's as common for a man to be a stay-at-home dad as it is for a woman to be a stay-at-home mom. I'll also know when the stay-at-home dads don't face ridicule from their peers for being somehow unmanly for doing women's work.

But mostly, I notice that more and more these days conversations about inequality seem to always center around how much a white male is offended about allegations that inequality might still be an issue.


I'm with @Sagemind on this.

My parents are divorced, so my own family view is somewhat skewed, I will say however, that I live with my mother, and I do most of the daily grind around here. (Cooking, cleaning etc.)

And at my dad/stepmothers house, my dad does most of the work, taking my sisters places, folding laundry, cleaning, etc. and yes, he does make more money then my step-mom. Reason? They're both cops, he's just higher rank because she doesn't apply for promotions. So tell me, that's the same work pattern because they're both cops.. but because my step-mom is lazy and doesn't want more responsibility that comes with a promotion, does that affect your statistics?

For the record, no, i'm not saying she represents all women on the subject, but that street goes both ways.

Now, I've done a bit of research on this.

The girl who made this, observing how men are sexist, passing off the children to their wives, sitting back doing none of the housework, all the while climbing up the corperate ladder faster? A 23 year old college student.

You're all fighting about a 23 year olds view of things she's probably never experienced. Now, someone said earlier in this thread they had the "1950's" stay at home mom. I ask you, was that her choice? or did you father force her to stay?


I must first say that my comments are not intended to Troll or invoke an "emotional" debate. (not that I was accused).

In no way do I deny stereotypes don't exist.
I also don't think statistics tell the whole story.

Things that can skew statistics:
1). Women almost always get the kids in a breakup - something men have had to fight for years and almost always loose. This leads to (plus) 1 woman doing domestic work and (minus) 1 men doing domestic work. (a factor of 2)
According to U.S. Census Bureau in November, 2009
* Approximately 84% of custodial parents are mothers, and
* 16% of custodial parents are fathers
So this means more women than men (by a large margin) can lay claim to domestic chores in the home over men. Not factoring in how many of those men fought for the right of custody that was never granted to them.

This same report states that 34.2% of custodial mothers have never been married while 20.9% of custodial fathers have never married. Why they were not married needs further study here but many young mothers never inform or notify the fathers or just never put the father's name on the birth certificate so the father has limited legal rights to the child.

2). There is often a job sharing practice in the home. One member (ofter the woman) stays inside and cleans the house while the other (often the man), does other chores such as yard work, car maintenance, household maintenance ect. These things makes it look like the women do all the chores while the men just "hang out" when actually they can balance out. Sometimes the roles can be reversed to the stereotypical roles - In my house, I do the dishes and the cooking while my wife takes out the garbage. A friend of stays away from his wife's power-tools and lets her do the yardwork while he takes care of the kids and their education needs.

3). Men are groomed to be (from a young age) that working is the only option. Period. Women have always been raised knowing there is an option of staying home or going to work (just find the right man). So that means a percentage grows up already deciding they will stay home. As such, they never pursue a proper education to to enable themselves to start "Climbing the ladder" from day one.

4). About 13 percent of women suffer from depression after childbirth often making work outside he home or at full capacity not possible. This depression can be caused due to "changes in brain chemistry" during pregnancy and "hormonal factors unique to women". "women are at greater risk of depression at certain times in their lives, such as puberty, during and after pregnancy, and during perimenopause." Levels of thyroid hormones may also drop after giving birth." As well, the common treatments for depression often cause an increases drop in ambition as the drugs used often remove both highs and lows.

I must make note here that this is not an opinion or a jab at woman - it's a fact and I have great respect for anyone trying to cope with depression, anxiety or related mood disorders.
Postpartum Support International

I'm just trying to illustrate how nothing is as cut and dry as, "the women have to do all the work at home and work full time while never getting paid what they are worth - while the men never do anything, goof off all the time and get paid more... " I'm at work and can't write any more at the moment but I may be back


I think in the end most people that are against this video have this position

1) They agree sexism exists and women are not fully gender neutral in society

2) on a global scale women are paid less than men and are less likely to be in higher position jobs

however they allso feel that

1) in manny societies women in manny respects have simular opertunities as men and can recive the same amount o pay

2) The video dose not add anything to the discussion and is simply a Rehash of old views totaly relying on its "origonal" contect of been placed in a game.

3) its also the case that sexism affects men as well as women and its stupid to focus soly on one side of the issue , by focusing on both genders you are more likely to solve the issue. evan when it might be the case that one gender over another is bing discriminated against more.

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