Netrunner hits 500, wins election, goes to jail. In same day


Somebody requisition me a beat:

Another VS veteran got his silver diamond today, and it shouldn't be news to anyone that it's Netrunner. (Get it? News!? HA!) Anyone who's been here for the past several months has seen this guy go from sleeper to irresistible force. I ain't kidding about that either. Have you checked out the "Top 15 Sifters of the Past Week" in the sidebar over the past few weeks? He OWNS it, brothers and sisters. I remember last week when I was number two on that list, and I had less than HALF the votes that he had at the time. Good golly Miss Molly!

Now naysayers will attempt to dismiss his success by saying that he's riding the pro-Obama wave that prevails here in Sift country. There may be a little truth to that, but then I remember when Ron Paul was the king of VS, and I don't remember any single pro-Paul Sifter dominating the Sift like Netrunner has done today.

So look at it however you want, but even if you hate Obama you have to respect Netrunner for his knowledge of politics and the candidates, and that's because he pays attention to the news, which unsurprisingly is the channel he chose when he got his bronze diamond. And no one could have done a better job of running it than him. He lives and breathes this stuff. While the rest of us are sleeping off are hangovers on Sunday morning he's watching the political talk shows. While we're watching David Letterman he's watching Nightline. And while we're watching RedTube he's watching YouPorn. (BIG difference, or so I'm told.)

Maybe I like this guy so much because I'm a lefty too, but I also genuinely appreciate his concern for the state of my country and the world as a whole. People of his nature make a difference, so men like him are worth they're weight in gold. Or silver diamonds. So give it up for Netrunner: A man who cares.
Crosswords says...

With my 1000th comment I honor your 500th sift! Thanks for all the hard work you put in, it's become part of my daily routine to hit the sift and check out the political videos, more often than not they're Netrunner® posts. Thanks for all the great sifts and thanks for helping keep me informed.

dotdude says...

Since the sifted count is at 472, NetRunner, you should be commended on earning many star points to put you at the 500 mark as well - quality posts and comments.

After party in NetRunner's personal queue . . .

MarineGunrock says...

I've said it before, and I'll say it again: I appreciate all the news clips you post.
It really is the way I stay informed.
Because of Netrunner's untiring efforts to post the latest in news, I am able to receive all of my up-to-date information from the Sift.

EDD says...

Hmmm, hmmm.
I congratulate you on this amazing feat Netrunner, yet I remain suspicious. How is it that you chose the screen name of Net-Runner? It is as if you KNEW beforehand you will outrun everyone in the Sift race. Is mintbbb really your spouse or is she in truth your running-mate in some mischievous attempt to steal an election the votes, huh?

I say we do an Siftofficial recount of all the votes he's received, just in case. I also hereby nominate my humble persona for the title of Chair of Recount Committee of the Sift.
Anybody wanna second that for 5% of his votes?

thinker247 says...

May all your Pitbull Palins be lipstuck to the frozen pole of Dick Cheney's aorta
May your Bushes be burning in the Hope that St. Obama will soon be there...

Congratulations on beating the shit out of Sifty, who can't possibly keep up with your break-neck speed, NetRunner. May your next 500 points be from videos of cats farting, so blankfist will have nothing left to post.

Good night, and good luck.

mintbbb says...

Woooooot! Congrats dear, you sneaky thing! You hit 500 after I go to sleep! Now I get to wake up and see I am almost late to the party!!

I know you'll keep up the good work, and crash and sleep for a week after the election =)

Have some cake, and we'll open a bottle of champagne tonight to celebrate all the stars and diamonds and whatelse!

NetRunner says...

Wow, I don't know what to say. I actually don't watch Nightline, but I do watch Frontline. I don't actually wake up early to watch Sunday talk, I Tivo it and use my Sunday mornings the way God intended: sleeping off a hangover.

I am trying to make a difference though, and I hope I have helped people reach some sort of conclusion about this election -- at a minimum that it's important.

I appreciate the responses I've gotten, from both those who agree and disagree -- the latter category, ironically, have been the best part. You guys keep me on my toes, and help me keep at least some tie to objectivity.

Now to respond to some of your baseless smears and accusations:

>> ^Constitutional_Patriot:
Congrats netrunner.. you may be a CFR candidate propaganda pusher but you're ok in my book.

Shh, I'm part of their inner circle. There will be one world government, and I will be its shadowy puppet master. Dick Cheney's got nothing on me.

>> ^rottenseed:
yay netrunner...way to capitalize on our unfortunate political climate. can't you just post some nice kitty vids?

I think only someone in the pocket of Big Kitteh would suggest such blatant pandering to the lolcatz agenda.

>> ^blankfist:
The big 5-0-0. Great work. Yay! Keep it up. I do enjoy our private debates.

If we keep it up, we'll be Master Debaters.

>> ^firefly:
Way to go, 'Runner.
But whatever will you do after Nov. 4 ?!

Other than sleep? Well, if McCain wins, I'll be looking for advice which country would be good to seek refuge in. If it's Obama, I'll probably find the time to sift non-political things, though I doubt politics will stop being interesting -- there's a lot to fix after Bush is gone.

>> ^deedub81:
I'm curious,though. How many votes do you have if you take out all the Obama/Biden/McCain/Palin videos?
Big ups!

Probably still at least a 100-star -- unless you take away all my politics videos entirely, then I'm probably barely a bronze star.

I'm sorry ladies and gentleman, my staffers tell me that's all the time we have for this press conference.

Now you can go back to talking about McCain suspending his campaign due to the polling economic crisis. I'm hoping he just puts Country First and concedes right now.

Fjnbk says...

If McCain wins, I'd recommend Tibet. Sure, the oxygen is scarce and soldiers patrol the streets with AKs, but at least it's a high plateau that will be the last place to sink under the new Panaqua Ocean. Plus, yak meat is tasty.

choggie says...

"AAAhhhh the warm , smoooth luxury of jizzzzz.....What a send-up, thankful and fulfilled, more power to ya, siggy soy , und hoy!!! Sooogy, saggy suggy singy, socky sooki, slappy-pappy, bloink a mammy, sippy hippy, drippy, skippy, onward to a thousand spurts a ' neverendingjoy, , hoy, hoy , und hoy!!!"

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