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Why There are Now So Many Shortages (It's Not COVID)

StukaFox says...

Yeah, not to mention the fucking clownshow that was the RTX 3080 launch. That single day in November did more to damage the PC gaming scene than anything else that's happened in the last 20 years.

Digitalfiend said:

So, in short...all your containers are belong to US?

Oh and you can't easily get a PS5 because of scalpers using bots to snatch them all up... argh

Orca Rams Dolphin Mid Air During Hunt

My 50 Cal Exploded

StukaFox says...

ho-LY shit. That dude is extraordinarily lucky to be alive. Fucking mad props for keeping that cool when the Grim Reaper keeps texting you.

Explaining Pink Floyd's First Masterpiece

StukaFox says...

It's impossible to find now, but Mobile Fidelity Sound Lab's Ultradisc of 'Meddle' has a recording of Echoes taken from the original master tape. If the only version of the song you've heard is the muddy version on the original release, the MFSL version is almost like a totally different song. It takes something that's already beautiful and deifies it. It is the absolute definitive version of the song.

Also, David Gilmour's version of Echoes off "Live in Gdansk" is uplifting, powerful and heart-breaking all at the same time. Richard Wright plays keyboard; he knows he's dying of cancer and he knows this is the very last time he and his friend David will play the song together. Gilmour feels like he's pouring his heart out to Wright and together, they give the song, and the legendary keyboardist, the sendoff they both deserve.

Richard Wright died one week before "Live" was released, passing on too early at 64.

This Is What Cells Actually Look Like

Radiohead's "Videotape" is weird and amazing

StukaFox says...

Not only is "Videotape" brilliant, it's also incredibly haunting -- right up there with "Exit Music (For a Film)". There's very few pieces of music which have actually stopped me in my tracks and forced me to listen, and "Videotape" is among those few pieces.

Radiohead will be considered "Classcial" music in 200 years.

What YOU Can SEE Through a $1 Billion, $32,000 and an $800 T

What YOU Can SEE Through a $1 Billion, $32,000 and an $800 T

StukaFox says...

Um, did she have big tiddies? If so, can you describe said tiddies? Please be as accurate and lurid as possible.

"Everybody wants to see bazooms!"
-- Surf Punks

BSR said:

I've had the same experience when I got my first binoculars at 13.

I was able to see all the way across the street to Kim's bedroom window!

Damn! Could she scream.

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

StukaFox says...

I'm right there with you. Get my second dose of Pfizer yesterday and I feel like death warmed over today. However, if this is all I have to deal with to get the immunity working, I'll be happy.

Mordhaus said:

Well, the 2nd covid shot knocked my dick in the dirt. I want to say it was almost as bad as having covid itself. Anyway, I am doing better but I still feel wiped out.

What YOU Can SEE Through a $1 Billion, $32,000 and an $800 T

StukaFox says...

I remember the first time I saw the Ring Nebula through my Dobsonian and thought "man, that thing is really far away". Then I swung my scope to Cassiopeia's "W" and looked at the ghostly smudge of the Andromeda Galaxy. I tried to fathom the distance and came up lacking. My eyes were better then and I could see things in the mid-6s, but even with full night vision and using averted vision, I couldn't make out any detail; it was just a little wisp of light where the middle was a touch brighter than the edges.
That was the day I fully became an atheist. It made no sense that God would put a smudge of light 2.5 million light years away that was actually a trillion purposeless stars. I had no answer for that. Standing on that runway in the Sierra mountains, enveloped in blackness and looking at Andromeda, I felt a direct link between myself, time and the universe. I didn't need heaven anymore and I never felt the existential dread of death ever again. I understood that I was part of infinity and that was enough.

Metric Paper & Everything in the Universe

Sour Herring the right way | w/ friends vomit

StukaFox says...

Stink Flipper? Yeah, I thought that was total bullshit until I saw it on some Discovery Channel show. Yipes.

SFOGuy said:

Surstromming main course.
Durian palate cleanser
Then a meat course of decayed seal paw, that Innuit delicacy?

Sour Herring the right way | w/ friends vomit

StukaFox says...

"The guys try durian(...)"

Someone brought one of those fucking things into our office once and the evacuation of the workspace and people's stomachs was epic. You can smell that shit all the way to the ISS and it's probably the reason aliens haven't invaded us yet. It's sorta like that movie 'Signs', only instead of making no fucking sense what-so-ever, the aliens show up, smell a durian, mutter "are you fucking kidding me?!" and then get back on their spaceship and fuck off to somewhere less malodorous. This is also what keeps Tacoma mostly vacated. Seriously, the reason WaDoT lowered the speed limit to 50 on the part of I-5 that has the misfortune of passing through Tacoma is that they hate everyone west of the Cascades and this is how they get back at us. Yeah, FUCK YOU -- Tacoma may stink, but Biden's still president!

Cunts, the whole fucking lot of 'em.

Why you can't compare Covid-19 vaccines

StukaFox says...

I got the first dose of Pfizer. The tetanus vaccine I had 20 days earlier was a total bitch. My arm felt like I'd been shot there. It was so bad, I couldn't sleep.

The Pfizer Covid vaccine, on the other hand, made my arm a little tender for a day, and that was it. In fact, the initial shot stung a little more than other shots I've had, but was unremarkable other than that.

ant said:

Got my first dose from Moderna on green St. Patrick's Day. Dang, it gave me a hang over the next day with pain, swollen light red shot area, and tiredness though. I was doing OK until hump day's night. I couldn't sleep well and much too. No fever, vomits, rashes, etc. though. My daily all day allergies actually calmed down for over a day. I'm not looking forward to #2 next month after #1. No J&J since it was very hard to get due to its manufacturing problems from what I read online. I am not going to wait until next month for it.

Birth of BASIC

StukaFox says...

I love BASIC! TRS-DOS BASIC was the first computer language I taught myself and it opened the door to an amazing life based around computers. I feel so fortunate to have been at the right age at the right time to enjoy the genesis of the personal computer revolution. 48k to terabytes -- what a ride it's been!

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