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Irishman (Member Profile)

NetRunner says...

Flat earth didn't have a global empire to protect from the idea of a spherical earth, though.

All we really want from people is efficiency, conservation, and a move away from fossil fuels. Global warming is our motivation, but it's a good idea for everyone, regardless.

In reply to this comment by Irishman:
Flat Earth WAS mainstream scientific belief for hundreds of years.

In reply to this comment by NetRunner:
>> ^blankfist:
Warmist sounds a lot like alarmist, doesn't it? We'll most likely see more of those for the next four years. Quality find, Irishman. We need more opposing viewpoints on this issue, because the Gore-following Warmist Automatons think the debate is over about Global Warming, science be damned.

Yes, all people who follow mainstream scientific belief are automatons.

That's what they tell me in my weekly Flat Earth Society meetings. We've got to stop those deadly Sphere-ists from throwing away billions on "satellites" that just sail over the edge of the earth, never to be seen again!

I mean, they're obviously trying to cow people into giving up good money with fear, the word Sphere-ists has phere fear built right into it!


thinker247 (Member Profile)

MarineGunrock says...

Sorry, but unlike most other Republicans, I don't like Bush and I vote with logic, not the bible.

In reply to this comment by thinker247:
You're a Republican, MG. You should keep the specifics out, and replace them with "Jesus" and "gotcha media."

Thanks for the in-depth answer. I was hoping someone with formal training in weaponry would provide a response.

In reply to this comment by MarineGunrock:
Ugh. Not a one of you has first hand knowledge of these things. I wonder if anyone here does?

1st of all, this is an Israeli-made bomblet. Not American. So all of you can redirect your anger there.

Secondly, American forces do EVERYTHING in their power to reduce and eliminate collateral damage. We fired about %15 of all the fire missions we received because higher command would not clear them due to being too close to civilian structures.

Thirdly, American cluster bomblets are equipped with self-detonation timers.

The two I have worked with are the RAAMS and the ADAMS systems.

ADAMS: Area Denial Artillery Munition System - Anti personnel clusters.

These 155mm projectiles detonate by a nose-mounted fuze that ignites a propellant expulsion charge, forcing off the baseplate (bottom of the round) so that the projectile's contents are ejected. The 155 mm M692 and M731 ADAM both carry 36 wedge-shaped anti-personnel mines. The M692 (shell body marked ADAM-L) carries 36 M67 mines with a factory-set self-destruct time of 'more than 24 hours'. The M731 (shell body marked ADAM-S) carries 36 M72 mines with a factory-set self-destruct time of 'less than 24 hours'. When the mines reach the ground, seven tripline sensors are released after a 60 second delay, and the detonators are armed to function at any small disturbance. When the mine detonates, a liquid propellant surrounding the explosive warhead is ignited. This breaks up the wedge-shaped body and hurls the spherical warhead upwards. A delay mechanism in the warhead allows it to reach a predetermined height before the contents are detonated to scatter hundreds of high-velocity anti-personnel fragments in all directions.
Cross-section image

RAAMS: Remote Anti Armor Munitions System\
Deployed the same way as the ADAMS, only they are tripped via electromagnetic sensors and there are 9 to a shell.
Cross-section image

I want to upvote because I love explosions, but I want to downvote for other stupid shit this video and commenters are saying.

MarineGunrock (Member Profile)

thinker247 says...

You're a Republican, MG. You should keep the specifics out, and replace them with "Jesus" and "gotcha media."

Thanks for the in-depth answer. I was hoping someone with formal training in weaponry would provide a response.

In reply to this comment by MarineGunrock:
Ugh. Not a one of you has first hand knowledge of these things. I wonder if anyone here does?

1st of all, this is an Israeli-made bomblet. Not American. So all of you can redirect your anger there.

Secondly, American forces do EVERYTHING in their power to reduce and eliminate collateral damage. We fired about %15 of all the fire missions we received because higher command would not clear them due to being too close to civilian structures.

Thirdly, American cluster bomblets are equipped with self-detonation timers.

The two I have worked with are the RAAMS and the ADAMS systems.

ADAMS: Area Denial Artillery Munition System - Anti personnel clusters.

These 155mm projectiles detonate by a nose-mounted fuze that ignites a propellant expulsion charge, forcing off the baseplate (bottom of the round) so that the projectile's contents are ejected. The 155 mm M692 and M731 ADAM both carry 36 wedge-shaped anti-personnel mines. The M692 (shell body marked ADAM-L) carries 36 M67 mines with a factory-set self-destruct time of 'more than 24 hours'. The M731 (shell body marked ADAM-S) carries 36 M72 mines with a factory-set self-destruct time of 'less than 24 hours'. When the mines reach the ground, seven tripline sensors are released after a 60 second delay, and the detonators are armed to function at any small disturbance. When the mine detonates, a liquid propellant surrounding the explosive warhead is ignited. This breaks up the wedge-shaped body and hurls the spherical warhead upwards. A delay mechanism in the warhead allows it to reach a predetermined height before the contents are detonated to scatter hundreds of high-velocity anti-personnel fragments in all directions.
Cross-section image

RAAMS: Remote Anti Armor Munitions System\
Deployed the same way as the ADAMS, only they are tripped via electromagnetic sensors and there are 9 to a shell.
Cross-section image

I want to upvote because I love explosions, but I want to downvote for other stupid shit this video and commenters are saying.

Cluster Bomb vs Cement Mixer

MarineGunrock says...

Ugh. Not a one of you has first hand knowledge of these things. I wonder if anyone here does?

1st of all, this is an Israeli-made bomblet. Not American. So all of you can redirect your anger there.

Secondly, American forces do EVERYTHING in their power to reduce and eliminate collateral damage. We fired about %15 of all the fire missions we received because higher command would not clear them due to being too close to civilian structures.

Thirdly, American cluster bomblets are equipped with self-detonation timers.

The two I have worked with are the RAAMS and the ADAMS systems.

ADAMS: Area Denial Artillery Munition System - Anti personnel clusters.

These 155mm projectiles detonate by a nose-mounted fuze that ignites a propellant expulsion charge, forcing off the baseplate (bottom of the round) so that the projectile's contents are ejected. The 155 mm M692 and M731 ADAM both carry 36 wedge-shaped anti-personnel mines. The M692 (shell body marked ADAM-L) carries 36 M67 mines with a factory-set self-destruct time of 'more than 24 hours'. The M731 (shell body marked ADAM-S) carries 36 M72 mines with a factory-set self-destruct time of 'less than 24 hours'. When the mines reach the ground, seven tripline sensors are released after a 60 second delay, and the detonators are armed to function at any small disturbance. When the mine detonates, a liquid propellant surrounding the explosive warhead is ignited. This breaks up the wedge-shaped body and hurls the spherical warhead upwards. A delay mechanism in the warhead allows it to reach a predetermined height before the contents are detonated to scatter hundreds of high-velocity anti-personnel fragments in all directions.
Cross-section image

RAAMS: Remote Anti Armor Munitions System\
Deployed the same way as the ADAMS, only they are tripped via electromagnetic sensors and there are 9 to a shell.
Cross-section image

I want to upvote because I love explosions, but I want to downvote for other stupid shit this video and commenters are saying.

Scientific 'Theory' Explained (Evolution)

Sam Harris: What happens if you really follow the bible

BicycleRepairMan says...

How is he taking the Bible completely out of context?

Exactly, it helps to provide the explanation, or the context, if you have to.

Take for example something that frequently IS taken out of context (by creationists) Darwin, this bit being one of their favourites:

To suppose that the eye, with all its inimitable contrivances for adjusting the focus to different distances, for admitting different amounts of light, and for the correction of spherical and chromatic aberration, could have been formed by natural selection, seems, I freely confess, absurd in the highest possible degree.

This quote IS taken out of its context, but it would be insufficient of someone defending Darwin or Darwinism to simply yell "OUT OF CONTEXT!!!" unless we explain how. The above quote is the start of a chapter where Darwin actually EXPLAINS how the eye could have evolved. In context, the quote is merely a set-up, written to draw the reader in, only to explain how the un-intuitive is actually the case.

By contrast, take Sam Harris mention of slavery, there isnt a single chapter or verse in the entire bible that condemns slavery. In a book that is looked as a superb moral guide by billions of people, how is that "taking things COMPLETELY out of context"? Is there a way to hold the bible, perhaps at a certain angle, so that when you read it it clearly condemns the practice of slavery?

"Emily" - Image Metrics Tech Demo

spoco2 says...

>> ^SaNdMaN:
^ What the heck are you talking about? The whole point is to surprise people that the person they've just seen explaining the technology is actually CGI. Did you think that the CGI demonstration was just the face turning red and black? That would be stupid and pointless.

The demonstration was showing that THE FACE was CG for the whole video.


They are showing that their motion tracking system is really great at FACES.

The rest is REAL.

You want proof? how about this?:

Using (USC's) Institute for Creative Technologies' special scanning system that can capture facial details down to the individual pore, the face of actress Emily O'Brien was transformed into a digital representation of herself, which could then be entirely machine-manipulated. A special spherical lighting rig captured O'Brien in 35 reference facial poses using a pair of high resolution digital cameras. The facial maps were then converted into 3D data using Image Metrics' proprietary markerless motion capture technology.

Gah... stop adding to the insane trend of people just making shit up on the internet and presenting it as fact.

"She was giving birth to a ferret during the filming of this video, yeah, true."

Richard Dawkins - "Hate mail" from god´s children (58 sec)

AnimalsForCrackers says...

Again I emphasize, atheism is a lack of a belief in a god. Atheism = Without god. There's no movement. There's no subset of ideas or morals intrinsic to the "atheist mindset". There's simply evidence or lack thereof and what you decide to make of it. You don't see people who believe the Earth to be spherical rallying for recognition in the political space because there's no ideology, just the fact that the Earth is round. The case for god, albeit far more sinister and nebulous a thing to disprove, has no evidence or proof positive whatsoever...Say I hypothetically accept that I have nothing to definitively disprove the existence of god. Now the onus is on the believers to provide some proof positive. There's none.

God apparently exists by default and it's up to us to disprove the unprovable? Does this not sound completely backwards & just plain wrong to anyone else?

Zero Punctuation Review: Alone in the Dark

New Testimony: WTC7 Survivor Barry Jennings Account

schmawy says...

All good points, Gundam. Maybe God did it.

I would claim that there are a lot of mysteries around nine one one in general, and only a few regarding Wtc7. Some of Silverman's behaviors are mysterious to me. Or what was going on in the CIA and DOD offices. What the true condition of the South face? How could the emergency generators on the fifth floor propagate fires on the 12th floor and above? What was the true condition of the South face, was it gouged out to 25% of it's depth? Why did Tucker Carlson refuse to show the video of the collapse when Steven E. Jones was a guest on his show? Why did firefighters tell survivors to flee because there's a "bomb in the building"? The molten metal at the site persisting months after? The claims of atomized spherical iron particles? These are common questions. I can answer some of them quite reasonably, some I can't.

If you prefer the original * lies, please appeal to the original poster or any other ranked member to change it. Or Sift your ass off and do it yourself

I think * mystery is a lot less polarizing than * lies, is all.

Hubblecast 15 (in HD!) - Black Hole in Omega Centauri

deathcow says...

> There is no fine line between globular clusters and dwarf galaxies

Perhaps you are right.

Globulars typically are much lower mass than galaxies, typically spherical, have much higher star density than typical galaxies and are thought to be formed in the evolution of a parent galaxy.

They talked about observing the motion of stars around the black hole core. What they're actually talking about is measuring the doppler effect to light from both sides of the high mass object. On one side the light will be shifted to red as stars hurl away from the direction of the Earth , on the other side the light is shifted towards blue as the objects are approaching us. This is done with a spectrograph.

M13 the great cluster in the constellation of Hercules is quite a sight to behold by eye in my telescope. Omega Centauri would put it to shame! I added color to my M13 image:

redacted (Blog Entry by deathcow)

Proof of Creationism!

BicycleRepairMan says...

The proof is there. But there are just so many other questions that cannot to my satisfaction, be answered.

Well, what kind of questions? Have you actually tried reading about it?, like a book about evolution? Very often, creationist hang on to this one "irrefutable" claim about something that "couldnt possibly have evolved", such as (in historical order) The eye, the brain, the flagellum, etc, but they very rarely actually look at what explanations and possible explanations we DO have, scientists have very convincing explanations for these things, and the creationists usually base their conclusions on misquotations or outdated science, or both. Like this infamous quote by Darwin himself:

To suppose that the eye, with all its inimitable contrivances for adjusting the focus to different distances, for admitting different amounts of light, and for the correction of spherical and chromatic aberration, could have been formed by natural selection, seems, I freely confess, absurd in the highest possible degree

This quote in its original context is followed by Darwins explanation of how the eye actually CAN evolve by natural selection...

Today we have a much better understanding of how eyes evolve, and we know that various forms of it did evolve atleast 40 times, independently, in nature. So even if the quote by Darwin was an honest quote, it would be completely irrelevant to the fact that eyes have evolved and are evolving.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion.

I completely agree, even if I may seem a bit confrontational at times

The well of death

fdisk says...


Sorry to be a spoiler but I was expecting much more from a country with less safety standards then the USA. There was no death and that was the lamest **** of death I have ever seen. The ones I saw when I were a kid had motorcycles going in opposite directions and criss-crossing.

Edit: I didn't want to just toss out an empty "lame" so I sifted what it took to impress us as kids. This is my idea of eia:

Redacted (Blog Entry by deathcow)

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