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Orlando Police Believe They’re Above The Law

newtboy says...

Yes, a sad truth.
That’s why I believe there are few to no “good cops”. The few that exist are usually run out of law enforcement the first time they report criminal cops. The examples of this are endless. Everything from nonstop harassment at work with the chiefs approval or even involvement to straight out murder by fellow officers.

I can’t blame rookie cops, but anyone in the system over a year has become part of it.

I believe every officer should go through psychological testing by reputable testers, not cop psychologists, and civil rights retraining every 5 years max. Edit: I also cannot for the life of me understand why body cameras can be turned off, they should be always on and disabling one should be a crime. Mostly I think qualified immunity needs to be abolished. It’s insane for taxpayers to pay for police misconduct while the perps get extra paid vacation time at most. I think being a cop should be a sentencing enhancement, doubling any sentence and enforcing a minimum prison time for any crime that carries possible prison time. Abusing authority is no small thing.

BSR said:


Now the good cop needs to worry about other bad cops.

Police in America - Where Are The Good Apples?

newtboy says...

Yet every 3-4 years one shows up, reports fellow officers for criminal acts, and is promptly drummed out of law enforcement.

Making a complaint against another cop gets a cop blacklisted nation wide, but murdering unarmed citizens earns a paid vacation and usually a major promotion and or raise within the year.

TheFreak said:

I disagree. No good apple would join the police because they know it's a system that encourages abuse.

A good apple who wants to be part of a profession that helps their community does not turn a blind eye to the bad apples. At best you have a lot of benign apples who aren't rotten themselves but are OK with the other rotten apples because....

They like the prestige?
They enjoy the sense of power?
They have Leem Neesons Action Dreams™ of taking out the bad guys? Cops and robbers fantasies with life and death stakes where the Sneetches on both sides are barely distinguishable by stars on their bellies?

If you want to stop police shootings you start by taking away their guns. If you don't want to police the streets without a gun then you don't belong in that role.

Let's talk about what happened in Rochester, New York

newtboy says...

Aim for the head.
It's easier to get out of prison than the morgue.

Police only protect and serve other police....but they never police them. Immunity means these child abusers might at worst get paid vacation, and likely get a raise.
Write your representatives, insist immunity, even qualified immunity be removed. There's no reason police shouldn't be responsible for their actions, it only leads to them thinking macing handcuffed 9 year olds is fine.

Every single police union rep in the country should be skinned alive in front of their families and melted in acid. They are inhuman scum.

DESPERATE Restaurant Owner BLOCKADES Inspector's Car

newtboy says...

So, how about this guy, unarmed, unthreatening, not running, in his own garage, complying with police, and shot dead? How did calmly complying work out for him? Not so good. Kind of makes your claims that “if black people would just comply with police they’ll be safe” look idiotic, doesn’t it?

Btw, they let him bleed out for 6 minutes with zero aid even though they knew within 1 minute there was no weapon. Officers on the scene were more concerned with calming the murdering officer who knew he had just murdered an unarmed innocent citizen than in giving lifesaving aid to his victim. That’s accomplice to murder, fire them all and prosecute to the fullest.....won’t happen, he just gets paid vacation.

bobknight33 said:

Running from cops is 1 thing. A straw-man argument.

Acceptable, Under the Circumstances

luxintenebris says...

pretty fair.

rather have competent, caring, compromising (to get problems addressed), near-the-center leadership. rid america of crazed, corrupt, callous, craven cowards that prefer power over contentment.

tho' seeing higher education, sane healthcare, and a tax structure that provides for all the necessities of running a country...if that's a revolution - then joe missed the mark.

(see there? complaining about joe & ain't in office yet! not about the party, it's about feeling good enough to want to party!)

problems want to have...
- road surfaces so smooth, have to fight the impulse to nap
- primary education so effective, 8yr-old takes over doing the taxes after seeing last year's submitted forums
- healthcare so affordable, have no reason to see doctor...when too broke, embarrassed, or there are needles!
- an employer that pushes you to work harder w/"are we paying you too much?" & you know the bastard is right.
- hoping your mandated paid vacation time isn't so long you forget how to say 'you want fries w/that'
- keeping your voting selection secret because you don't want to hurt anyone's feelings 'it was so hard! all were so worthy! have to choose someone?!"

Protester gets maced and shot in the face by gas projectile

newtboy says...

Sounds like what we expect in our worst estimations....murder, torture, racism, extortion, facilitating rape, public exposure by publicly accusing and doxxing, planting evidence, brutality, false testimony, all on camera = paid vacation time while it blows over.

Any inkling of support for peaceful anti brutality protests, fired in days.

It's not a question of if criminals wear badges, it's become a question of do ONLY criminals wear badges/ are all badge wearers criminals? I've yet to see a scintilla of evidence indicating they aren't, and mountains of video proof indicating they are.

Drachen_Jager said:

Hey, did you hear a Detective from Springfield Mass got fired within days of posting an offensive Black Lives Matter post?

That's right, it was a photo of her nice at a BLM protest holding a sign saying, “Who do we call when the murderer wear the badge.” and some of her colleagues found that offensive enough they had to fire her.

So apparently they can act when their snowflakes are in danger of melting, just not, you know when they murder innocent people, frame innocent people, steal from innocent people and criminals, lie about incidents, doxx those who disagree with them then shrug it off when the doxxed person's neighbor is brutally raped apparently as a direct result of the doxxing (idiot got the wrong apartment number, police later said it was no big deal because the woman only suffered minor injuries (she was bruised head to toe, and raped, but no broken bones, so it's all good, right?) and the city counselor the cop doxxed could have been found through other means).

It's not a question of what to do "if" the criminal wears a badge. The criminals wear badges. The question is what can be done to stop them.

Cops Pull Guns On Black Man Picking Up Trash On Own Property

newtboy says...

Only the initial armed thug in blue was even given paid vacation pending INTERNAL investigation, the rest of the gang don't even get it put on their service record.
They all need jail time, they didn't try to stop the armed nutjob for harassing citizens in their own yards, they stood with him so they're all complicit.

We need an independent armed force to police the police, with their own separate prosecutors. Internal investigation is a bad joke, not a serious check on abuse.

This is why cops don't deserve respect....they're disrespectful.

Nurse Arrested For Not Taking Unconscious Victim's Blood

newtboy says...

Actually, she did know them, and printed them out for his education. He didn't know the laws changed long ago and that he had no right to demand the blood, and he didn't understand that her refusal would never have been obstruction or a crime even under the old laws where he could take the blood.

He definitely frenchfried while he pizzaed.

Update: He's now on paid vacation while they try to save his career.

noims said:

It's the violence of the arrest that gets me.

She didn't know her rights or obligations on the spot. She went with her best interpretation of the rules she had to hand, and it seemed reasonable from the footage we have.

Maybe they could arrest her on the basis that they knew or believed she was in the wrong, but I believe she could/would have gone willingly if it was handled rationally.

If the default position of the police is adversarial, you're going to have a bad time.

there is a new party in town called the justice democrats

bobknight33 says...

Big difference

The TEA party wants to follow the Constitution.
All other groups don't.

How do the justice democrats line up with the Constitution?

I checked you link to the JD platform - Some are worthy but still most are Un constitutional BS feel good look nonsense .

Pass a constitutional amendment to put an end to Washington corruption and bring about election reform. --- Never pass FOx watching hen house- only a smaller government helps this and term limits.

Defend free speech and expression.-Left are the oppressors
Ensure universal healthcare as a right. -Un constitutional
Create the new new deal.
Ensure universal education as a right. Un constitutional
Ensure universal healthcare as a right.Un constitutional
Make the minimum wage a living wage and tie it to inflation.Un constitutional
Defend and protect women’s rights. - So we dont cre about men?
Ensure paid vacation time, sick time, family leave, childcare. Un constitutional
Protect Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. Un constitutional
Implement comprehensive immigration reform. agreed
Enact police reform. - Agreed arrest criminals
Combat homelessness. - bring back sanatoriums that liberals removed .

enoch said:

unsure if you are gloating that you uncovered some deep,dark secret,and are exposing some political conspiracy.

or are just re-iterating what i already posted.

for years i have seen you promote and tout the validity and necessity of the tea party for those who may be disgruntled with the mainstream republican party.

a party that started with modest means,but is now funded by some of the most wealthy and influential political players in our country:the koch bothers.

they even changed their name to the freedom caucus.
and they nominate candidates,and come out to support them.

so how is the tea party,which broke away from the establishment republicans to promote a politics that is more in line with the constitution,ANY different from the people who are sick and tired of corporate,establishment democrats? who ALSO have decided that enough is enough and have banded together to nominate their own candidates,and support those candidates to represent THEIR politics and ideological philosophies.

how,exactly,is that different?

because while you may disagree with justice democrats politically,and i suspect you do,you should also be proud that they are taking a stand and sticking up for their beliefs.

are you SO unaware of your own bias,prejudice and hyper-partisanship as to not recognize when a group of people are doing the EXACT same thing as your tea party did?

be careful bob,your bias and hypocrisy are showing.
and you are becoming a partisan hack,attacking any and everything that is contrary to your own politics,even when in reality it is performing the very same thing that you state to admire.

so what is more important to you?
honesty,integrity and sticking to your moral values?
or political affilliations?

because i can disagree with someones politics,and still admire and respect them standing up for their values.(that includes you bob).

i gather this is something you are incapable of doing,because in bob's world"politics trumps everything else,end of discussion.

if you want to sully your eyes a bit,check out what the justice democrats are seeking to do,and what their base philosophy is:


Here We Go Again...Rodney King Style Beating In SF

newtboy says...

Screw your 'he deserved what he got' attitude. The police are not judge, jury, and executioner. It's their job to stop criminals and collect evidence...period. If they can't do that job without resorting to ACTUALLY nearly brutally killing compliant people, they shouldn't be cops, they should be cons.

Hitting the cop car is not "nearly killed two officers", they apparently weren't injured enough to require treatment, hardly "nearly killed" in my book.

"What if" arguments are the bastion of people who can't make an argument with the facts, so they feel the need to create new 'facts' to rail against, IMO....but OK, I'll play along...What if this video didn't exist? I suggest that the officers wouldn't even go on paid leave, the action that's been takes thus far...sending them on paid vacation.
How does one get THAT deal, screw up royally and criminally at your job in a way that's likely to cost your 'business' millions in damages, they'll stand by you and pay for vacation for a few months while they 'look into it'. WHAT?!?

If this is the treatment one can expect when criminals DO stop, as he clearly did at the beginning of the video, why on earth would anyone not continue to run like their life depends on it, which it nearly did in this case? That's not at all reasonable.

Esoog said:

Screw this bleeding heart bullshit.

The criminal nearly killed two officers with his STOLEN vehicle while trying to get away. He used a vehicle as a weapon, then sped through neighborhoods, fleeing from police. What if he had killed someone, god forbid, a child? He deserved what he got. I'm tired of idiots that deserve harsh punishment getting sympathy. The police said stop. He didn't.

I'll put a hole right through your head!

newtboy says...

One more incident of cops being unbelievable douchebags, and other cops allowing them to get away with it. Sickening how often this kind of thing is caught on tape, meaning it happens 10 times more often than we see at least.
Glad he's on leave at least, but a paid vacation does not really seem the appropriate outcome, here's hoping he's fired after the 'investigation', but I doubt it.
Good thing his angry threat to 'confiscate the video' was more hot air.
Crappy that even the reasonable officer tells him clearly "the longer you stay here, the more trouble you're going to get into", implying 'because the detective will make more trouble for you, he's lost it', and doesn't tell the detective that jumping out of your unmarked car and threatening to shoot someone in the head and beat them to a pulp is out of order.
If this was an 'open carry' guy who 'stood his ground', he could have shot that cop with no (legal) consequence.
Damn it, I'm going to have to get a dash cam just to protect myself from outrageous 'authority figures' now.

police officer body slams teen in cuffs

newtboy says...

Closer to the truth would be to assume this (or some other physical abuse) happens at least 3-5 times a day in every major metropolitan area, not once per day in all the US. 9 out of 10 aren't caught on camera...and 9 out of 10 of those that are caught on camera are erased by the perpetrators themselves (the cops). It's only when a private citizen records them and doesn't get arrested themselves (and have the recording destroyed) that we see these videos , and that's multiple times a day (yes, we've seen exactly that happen repeatedly, destruction of video, often recorded by another, unseen citizen that comes to light after the cops lie about the incident.).

When a group commits violent crimes every single day without fail, and those in the group who are not being violent stand behind those that are, then this IS the norm, not an outlier. Sorry.

No, doing your job doesn't erase evil violent acts....neither does committing a 'good' act. If it worked that way, we wouldn't need jails, because nearly 100% of criminals have also done good things in their life, if that erased their crime there would be no need for cops at all. EDIT: Even doing 'good' 10 times as much as you do 'evil' makes you evil, not good, in my eyes. 100 good deeds do not erase one evil deed.

This is not the actions of a few, it's the actions of many, perhaps even the actions of the majority of officers, with the backing of ALL other officers and the force itself. That makes them ALL complicit, with the exception of the tiny, statistically insignificant few that actually report their fellow officers...and they get driven off the force by the majority of other officers that won't stand for 'snitching' by harassing, stalking, threatening, attacking, and not backing them up when they're in danger doing their job.

If ANY other group of people did the kinds of crimes cops have been caught on tape doing just this year alone, we would outlaw that group, seize their assets with RICO, and put most of them in jail. When cops do it, at best they usually get a paid vacation and a pat on the back.

oohlalasassoon said:

So, let's presume your statement that this happens everyday is true. In fact, let's double it, and say for every incident you hear about, there's another that goes unnoticed, and is worse. You're saying the egregious actions of 2 officers per day, is indicative of the type of day MOST cops lead on a daily basis, i.e. : the norm?

Speaking of things we never see... If, for every bad cop video posted I somehow unearthed and posted a video of a wholly unremarkable cop somewhere, clocking in, doing his thing , going against his nature and doing something that could be construed as benign, even good- would it change your opinion of cops?

I'm not the apologist you think I am by the way. I even agree with some of what you say. But I try not to blame the many for the actions of the few. Pretend that rather than cops we're talking about any race of your choosing and decide if I should change my ways.

What Happens To The Few Good Cops

newtboy says...

If only that $500000 would come directly from the pockets of the 88 bad cops and not tax payers. It's disgusting that they commit crimes against citizens, then citizens pay for those crimes for them, and often they get nothing more than a paid vacation.

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Paid Family Leave

bobknight33 says...

Using @MilkmanDan experience as the example.

Why should an employer give you $1500 to 5 grand to take off 45 days?
If I were in an accident or such should I get such a paid vacation?

Americans are already paying for paid maternity time off but its not for average Americans.

President Obama signed a presidential memorandum ordering agencies to give federal workers six weeks of paid leave to care for a new child or take care of ill family members.

Dover Police Kick Man In Head While He Is Complying

newtboy says...

I'm confused....are you saying you feel if they THINK you have a gun, they can punt you in the face and break your jaw even if you are complying with their orders? Because he WAS complying with their orders and getting on the ground when he was kicked in the face, and cops can always say they THINK you had a gun, then act violently with impunity.
The radio repeatedly said the man with the gun has a yellow shirt and a hat, this guy has a white shirt and yellow hat, so he doesn't fit the multiple clear descriptions. Why would they think 'the dude had a gun'?
I also note, that was the SECOND time that officer kicked him, the first time was as he tells him for the first time to 'get on the ground' while kicking the suspects legs while the suspect is complying with the original 'get your hands up' command.

Also, they lied about the suspect and falsely charged him with multiple crimes, as noted here....
"The incident occurred at a gas station on U.S. 13. Lateef Dickerson, 30, of Dover, was originally charged with assault, theft and resisting arrest, but those charges later were dropped." Surprise, he apparently also did not have a gun at all!

On top of that, this is the official police statement where they are saying the officer did nothing wrong...
"As the man was in the process of getting on the ground he was kicked in the head once by Webster rendering him unconscious." I can't fathom how they think that's OK, they admit he was complying but kicked him in the face anyway, but that is their position.

They also said "that his actions regarding this incident were outside of Dover Police Department policy and acted accordingly," which seems to mean we know he didn't follow guidelines, and that's just fine (I don't know what else 'acted accordingly' could mean in this case). If they mean to say the department 'acted accordingly', it should be noted that their only reported actions were to give him a paid vacation and a pat on the back.

charliem said:

That is pretty messed up....but you gotta consider the context. They thought the dude had a gun.

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