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Dying in the name of freedom

eoe says...

Hey there. Devil's advocate here.

Should we tell people who eat poorly to fuck off, too? What about any people who go off of their doctor's advice?

Don't get me wrong, I'm heavily in your corner. I would say the pandemic is a special case, not because it takes up hospital beds unnecessarily (which most of them do since heart disease, the #1 killer, is a disease of lifestyle), but because it immediately puts others in danger, outside the hospital.

The question of freedom vs. public health is easy in this case, but when does it become overreach? On the other (very far) end of the spectrum is eugenics.

StukaFox said:

FUCK these people.

Fuck them with a rake.

Fuck them. Fuck their "muh FWEEDUMS!" bullshit. Fuck their double-digit IQs and fuck anyone who encourages these cocksuckers to be the Typhoid Mary motherfuckers who need to be put on an island and neutron bombed until the carbon in their cells gives up and bails.

I've mentioned before that one of my clients is a major healthcare provider, the largest on west coast. The worthless fucking parasites who refuse to be vaccinated are going to jack your insurance rates into the stratosphere because they're being treated first in the ER (major profit center for hospitals) and then the ICU (where $10k a day is the low end). The best case scenario is that they get on with it and go have a talk with Hitler in Hell, but no -- these cunts have to hang on and take up a bed that won't be available for the guy who just had a massive coronary, take up doctor's and nurse's time while they cover their distance between living dumbfuck and dead dumbfuck at a snail's pace, and fuck us all by running up multi-million dollar bills that they can't pay, they won't pay, and that they'll dump on the rest of us when they're done gasping the oxygen that belongs to people who aren't idiots.

These goddamn parasites can't die fast enough. I laugh whenever I hear some moron bewailing the fact he didn't get the vaccine and now Death is check his watch outside the door. You want to exercise the "right" to not be vaccinated (which you don't legally have in the first place), fine: die at home, hopefully in agony, and let your family leave your corpse on the sidewalk as an abject lesson in why being a complete fucking idiot doesn't pay.

Fuck I hate these goddamn people.

More on those pesky vaccine passports among other things

StukaFox says...

You don't want a vaccine? Lovely. We will be canceling your health insurance. Since you've chosen to be a complete cunt, we've chosen not to pay for your utter cuntiness.

I work in health insurance. The three biggest contributors to the price of insurance are:
1: fraud (doctors are notorious for this)
2: general waste (upbilling; unnecessary tests that are only performed to keep the fucking ambulance-chasing lawyers from filing malpractice suits because someone got the shits from an antibiotic)
3: PREVENTABLE HEALTH ISSUES. This includes obesity, smoking, not exercising, not getting annual checkups and atrocious dietary habits as first-order issues. If not corrected, these lead to more expensive and longer term second-order issues: diabetes, heart disease, cancer, vascular disease. These issues start a feedback loop with the second-order effects cause immobility which contributes to increasing first-order effects which amplifies second-order effects -- lather, rinse, repeat.

Now add a good case of Covid to that mix. If you end up on a ventilator for two week, there's a mil-plus in hospital bills: someone has to either pay that (welcome higher insurance rates!) or the hospital has to eat it (welcome even HIGHER insurance rates!) You can bitch all you want about the cost of healthcare in America, but you're paying for every dumb, entitled asshole who spouts shit like MUH FREEDUMS!! when asked to do basic things to protect themselves and others.

tl;dr: your idiot views of what the actual fuck "freedom" is ends at my wallet. Fuck you and get your goddamn vaccine. And put down the Cheetos while you're at it.

Police Shootings Now A Leading Cause Of Death For Young Men

bobknight33 says...

Such Bullshit. Take care of #3 and #6 would go away.

So cops are #6 on the list.
#1, accidental deaths
2 suicide
3 Homicide.. How many total? compared to #6?
4 heart disease
5 Cancer
6 COP 1k/year 500 justified 500 iffy... Maybe the justified 500 deaths fucks with the minds of Cops and now they are more defensive and shoot the other 500.


Euro NCAP Crash Test of Tesla Model 3

eric3579 says...

I'm curious to know what you drive the family around in now? Does it by chance have advanced safety and driver-assistance features (standard in Teslas)?
But you're right to be fearful, those dummies getting thrown around is quite violent. Automobiles are probably the most dangerous things we expose ourselves to on a daily basis. I've known more people that have died from auto accidents then from heart disease and cancer.

lucky760 said:

Almost makes me want one.

But geez... I know they're dummies and all but still seeing the two fake kids in the back of the car getting thrown around invokes fear in me for the safety of my children.

The EAT-Lancet Launch Lecture

transmorpher says...

I spend a lot of time blabbing about it, if that's what you mean :-)

As for maintaining a healthful diet, once you know what to put in the shopping cart it takes no more devotion than eating any other diet

It's essentially this

which is very similar to the government's recommendations -, minus the dairy. (Canada has recently dropped dairy from their government recommendations, so it's becoming a mainstream thing to accept that dairy is not required in the diet - and even the dairy industry themselves are starting to give up, no longer is their own biased research saying dairy is healthy, they've begun to settle with dairy is not harmful lol)

It is important to me, personally because my close relatives died from easily preventable diseases, and I myself suffered from nephrotic syndrome, which would have killed me. And I mean suffered, my wounds were opening up, I had ulcers appearing on my skin, my joints were swollen, and my muscle mass was wasting away because I was pee'ing out all my protein....... AND THEN I FIND OUT IT'S BASICALLY AN OPTIONAL ILLNESS - and my life is saved.

It absolutely pains me to see the western world with it's epidemic of obesity, diabetes, heart-disease, cancer, and less common diseases like multiple sclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis and so on, suffering unnecessarily like I did because they do not know the how easy it is to avoid, prevent, and often reverse these diseases. The vast majority of people could easily be healthy if they switched to a whole food plant-based diet. Not everyone, but most.

We're doing it to ourselves. We're giving ourselves these horrible diseases, and destroying the planet, and killing 80 billion land animals, and 2 trillion sea animals to make ourselves sick. To me it's pure insanity.

BSR said:

I get a sense you devote a lot of your time towards a healthful diet. Is that an interest or a need? Just curious. Not sure if its a passion or a need?


newtboy says...

Likely because the messenger is well known for lying about the science.

If his claims were true, established vegans would never get cancer or heart disease and meat eaters would all have cancer.

transmorpher said:

You're focusing on the messenger, and ignoring the science again.

Feel free to look up the study yourself, they make no effort to hide it, and it lists the journal it's from in the corner.

The conclusion is the same though, even if Hitler was talking about this study, the results wouldn't change. Vegan diets based on whole plant foods protect and reverse cancers. (and heart-disease.)


transmorpher says...

You're focusing on the messenger, and ignoring the science again.

Feel free to look up the study yourself, they make no effort to hide it, and it lists the journal it's from in the corner.

The conclusion is the same though, even if Hitler was talking about this study, the results wouldn't change. Vegan diets based on whole plant foods protect and reverse cancers. (and heart-disease.)

Mordhaus said:

Show me a study that isn't by a well known Vegan doctor who, btw, helped Oprah jumpstart an entirely unnecessary mad cow disease scare back in 1996.

Give me a link from a person who isn't described like this on their wikipedia page:

"Retired physician Harriet A. Hall, who is known as a skeptic in the medical community,[23][24][25] has written that, while it is well-accepted that it is more healthy to eat a plant-based diet than a typical Western diet, Greger often overstates the known benefits of such a diet as well as the harm caused by eating animal products (for example, in a talk, he claimed that a single meal rich in animal products can "cripple" one's arteries), and he sometimes does not discuss evidence that contradicts his strong claims."

A SINGLE MEAL can cripple your arteries. One meal. This is the person you are linking me to.

I should link you to Jillian Mai Thi Epperly and her 'jilly juice' which she claims expunges Candida from the body, and so by drinking a gallon of the juice every day, one can cure themselves of virtually any ailment, including autism, cancer, HIV, Down syndrome, and homosexuality.[2] The creator also claims that the juice can regrow lost limbs.

You don't have Vegan superpowers. At best you have a slightly better chance to live longer than someone else with a similar genetic makeup. That is science, that is fact.


newtboy says...

So you don't understand math or statistics? Stop spouting them then. I've explained your mistake repeatedly, you are not repeating what they said, you are twisting and exaggerating it to support your hypothesis.
(Unscrupulous) People can come up with statistics to prove anything....forfty percent of all people know that.

Stress is a major cause of heart disease. That is no joke.

transmorpher said:

Exaggerating what exactly? All I'm doing is repeating the WHO and WCRF lines of.
"DON'T EAT PROCESSED MEAT, IT CAUSES CANCER" it's a bit hard to exaggerate such a clear message.

Incessant worrying not required, you simply leave it off your shopping list like you do with asbestos, radioactive materials, and tobacco.

People aren't dying by the millions from worrying about risk factors. But they are dying from preventable forms of heart-disease and cancer. This is no joke.


transmorpher says...

Exaggerating what exactly? All I'm doing is repeating the WHO and WCRF lines of.
"DON'T EAT PROCESSED MEAT, IT CAUSES CANCER" it's a bit hard to exaggerate such a clear message.

Incessant worrying not required, you simply leave it off your shopping list like you do with asbestos, radioactive materials, and tobacco.

People aren't dying by the millions from worrying about risk factors. But they are dying from preventable forms of heart-disease and cancer. This is no joke.

newtboy said:

It's not time you lack, I got an A in statistics which I took after advanced placement B/C calculus, thank you.
Please stop hyper exaggerating the danger of all animal products and the benefits of veganism.

No, we're acting like +1% lifetime risk of one type of cancer, from 5%-6%, is a totally acceptable level of risk to trade for a lifetime of pleasure when taken knowingly, and is a far cry from +18% every time you eat bacon. It's probably far less than the additional risk of drinking municipal water, or breathing anywhere East of the West coast, certainly exponentially less than breathing air in any major metropolitan area, or living within 25 miles of a military base or airport.

I'm also acting like people who lie about or misrepresent the stats only prove their position is untenable and that they're untrustworthy. If 1% total increased lifetime risk is enough to make your point, why erroneously claim +18% per serving? It makes it so easy to dismiss and overlook any real point you might have had.

Nothing is unanimous, and that goes double for nutritional advice. Somewhere there's a doctor that insists you can't possibly get enough nitrates, most would say if you're healthy go ahead and have some moderation. My doctor and numerous documentaries say the stress of worrying incessantly about every little risk factor is a much bigger risk factor than almost any other for innumerable disorders and diseases. I'll take his advice, thanks.

USDA: Eggs are NOT Healthy or Safe to eat

transmorpher says...

Refined carbs aren't great, but grains, starchy roots (potatos) and beans are a key component of every bluezone in the world where people live the longest and with the fewest amounts of disease. There's a video about it on the same channel as this video above :-)

You don't want to trade weight loss, for long term health is what I'm saying. Weight loss in of itself is going to improve health markers and general wellbeing, but the majority of people in the west die from preventable heart-disease, which is without a doubt tied to cholesterol, which eggs are full of (yes there are a lot of cholesterol deniers out there, but there is no valid research backing up their claims). Bob Harper is a good recent example, huge keto/low-carb advocate, had a heart-attack, despite being lean and athletic. He's doing the bluezone way of eating now....

Also have you noticed that nobody ever mentions the 4th macro nutrient in any diet these days? Fibre! The one macro nutrient almost everybody is deficient in.... but nobody seems to talk about it, except those selling fibre supplements. I find it weird personally!

kEnder said:

From a Keto perspective eggs are the perfect food! My blood tests, weight, and sleep/energy improved by avoiding carbs. Really makes you think how upside down that USDA approved food pyramid is...

Vegan Diet or Mediterranean Diet: Which Is Healthier?

transmorpher says...

At a life expectancy of 44 heart-disease for the Masaai is the least of their concerns.... but the it's also a myth that they have perfect health on beef

Traditional Okinawan's eat very little fish - less than 4% of their calories is from animal products.

These are the people who we now see living to well over 100 years old. Where as modern Okinawa's have a far worse life expectancy now that they have more animal foods in their diet.

Both of these cultures are further examples of how fewer animal foods in the diet always has better health outcomes.

And thanks to the vegan 7th Day Adventists in Loma Linda, we know that zero animal products has the best health outcomes.

This is a very strong indication that animal products are obsolete in the human diet.

newtboy said:

Maasai do not have heart disease or cholesterol problems attributed to red meat even though they eat almost exclusively cattle. Leading causes of death include pneumonia and diarrhoea, followed by other diseases not diet related issues.

Yes, people who cut out vegetables like Inuit have issues just like those who cut meat without going to extremes to replace what they're lacking, and most don't. You must be joking using them as an example of fish inclusive diets.
People with diets high in fish like Okinawans (1/2 an American sized serving per day isn't little to me, that's every other day having a full fish meal) that include other meat in moderation and is vegetable based are the healthiest in studies, as I indicated.

Vegan Diet or Mediterranean Diet: Which Is Healthier?

newtboy says...

Maasai do not have heart disease or cholesterol problems attributed to red meat even though they eat almost exclusively cattle. Leading causes of death include pneumonia and diarrhoea, followed by other diseases not diet related issues.

Yes, people who cut out vegetables like Inuit have issues just like those who cut meat without going to extremes to replace what they're lacking, and most don't. You must be joking using them as an example of fish inclusive diets.
People with diets high in fish like Okinawans (1/2 an American sized serving per day isn't little to me, that's every other day having a full fish meal) that include other meat in moderation and is vegetable based are the healthiest in studies, as I indicated.

transmorpher said:

Both of your examples are demonstrably false.

Masaai have a life expectancy of what 44?

Who eats the most fish in the world? (factory farm cows actually) but in the human population, it's the Inuits. And they have the worst health of any people on earth. So clearly fish aren't the thing bringing the health. Their health actually gets better when they go to a standard american diet. that's how bad eating fresh wild caught fish is.....

Okinawans have the opposite diet of the Inuits - mostly plants, and little amounts of fish, and they have the opposite health of the Inuits too.

Less fish and more plants = better health. Therefore fish cannot be a health food.

It's also VERY easy to meet all of your nutritional needs as a vegan, yeah those hippie dippy idiots that eat all raw foods are asking for trouble, but anyone who eats regular food with grains, beans, fruit, nuts and vegetables will get everything they need. A few fortifided foods here and there and no supplements are required. (and please don't pretend like vegans are the only ones eating fortified foods- salt is fortified with iodine, and dairy is fortified with vitamin D by US law). Anyway, point is the cheapest and easiest foods to cook are the healthiest ones - the same foods that everyone in the bluezones eats, and nobody is saying those bluezone foods are expensive or hard to make.

That's what this whole video is about, identifying the foods that are health promoting, and in vegans and in Mediterranean diets (and other bluezones diets) it's the exact same foods that are providing the health. The plants, the cheap, easy to cook and readily available plants.

I'll even level with you, there's a lot of stupid people out there who happen to be vegan and they say a lot of stupid crap, but everything I post is backed up by science. I went vegan because of the health science, the ethics to me came later (perhaps I'm a bit slow, because I didn't want to see the ethics, while I was part of the system, but that's a story for another time )

Who Needs Wingsuits?

transmorpher says...

The evidence showing that cholesterol is related to clogged arteries is this: Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn (aka, the first person to demostate that heart-disease is curable) explains it in this TEDx Talk.

This is supported by Dr. Kim A. Williams President of the American College of Cardiology, and well as a study done by Dr. Dean Ornish, the doctor you've mentioned before.

There's also some 1300 studies by Dr. William C. Roberts and he concludes that cholesterol is the only major factor.


The evidence showing that dietary cholesterol is unrelated to blood cholesterol is........ funded by the egg board where they take people with maxed out cholesterol, and give them eggs, and the result is that their cholesterol cannot climb any higher.

If you like, dig up the studies, and I'll show you their scam :-)

But studies aside, you can literally test this yourself - eat no cholesterol for a week or two, and it will go down, and back up again when you start eating it. It's really that simple.

eric3579 said:

I'm not sure how you got to not eating cholesterol will clean out your arteries. Dietary cholesterol has no relationship with raising cholesterol in the blood.

Who steals a cheese grater?

Doctors Urge Americans: GO VEGAN!

newtboy says...

This is an issue because some people are trying to confuse the issue to trick other people into believing veganism is healthy by pretending it's the same as a plant based diet.....

veg·an- vēɡən
1.a person who does not eat or use animal products.

plant based -
A plant-based diet is a diet based on fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes. ... In fact, almost 90% of Americans don't get their recommended intake of fruits and veggies. Eating more produce helps lower your risk of heart disease, diabetes, and even some cancers. (Note there's nothing about not eating meat or dairy)

Vegan is NOT just a plant based diet (that includes moderate meat and dairy), and is NOT what doctors mean when they say the words "plant based diet". Plant based diet means less processed food and sugar and more fruits and vegetables, not an exclusion of all meat and animal products.

Vegan doesn't equate to more natural or better for you, only lacking animal products.....E.g.. Oreos are vegan, but they are not part of a plant based diet.

eric3579 said:

@transmorpher I'm all about a plant based diet as i was on one for a couple years. Healthiest mind and body i've ever been. That however is not what i think of when i hear vegan diet and for sure is not what many vegans diets are based on. I've known vegans in my past. Most all of them ate a horribly unhealthy diet. If they mean plant based diet they should say that as it's not what the public thinks vegan means.

(edit) Also "Eat to Live" best book i ever read when it comes to my dietary health.

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