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Christmas Time in California Sucks

When Driver And Co-Driver Don't Mesh

DataSchmuck says...

I've played a lot of Rally racing games. I feel like this is an accurate depiction of what my co-driver would be saying during my driving.

Flight Sim X - American 1337 Taking Off, Giggles Ensue

The Kalam Cosmological Argument

shinyblurry says...

"Arguments for" an idea are worthless. "Evidence" is what is needed, and there simply isn't any provided here.

:That's not even addressing the straw man at the very beginning. That's not a binary question being asked.:

I think it is addressing the presuppositions of naturalism mainly:

noun: naturalism
(in art and literature) a style and theory of representation based on the accurate depiction of detail.
a philosophical viewpoint according to which everything arises from natural properties and causes, and supernatural or spiritual explanations are excluded or discounted.

You could expand the question to include many conceptions of God, or something supernatural, but essentially the argument is dealing with a being which is omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscient.

Stormsinger said:

"Arguments for" an idea are worthless. "Evidence" is what is needed, and there simply isn't any provided here.

That's not even addressing the straw man at the very beginning. That's not a binary question being asked.

These people really work hard at their stupidity though.

Wait for it ..........

Strangest Anti-Drug Ad Ever

GenjiKilpatrick says...

Nah, this is a pretty accurate depiction of how pissed the average "I need to teach you a lesson" parent would react i.e. overreact.

My father did a similar thing when, at age 13, he found out I smoked pot.

Tho instead of swinging a bat at electronics.. He swung my entire body into a wall.

Surprisingly enough.. I don't talk to my father that much, yet still smoke weekly/daily.

So yeah, this PSA should definitely be heeded if you'd like a good parent-child relationship.

>> ^MrFisk:

This might be effective if the parent hadn't bought the stuff. Or maybe the dad was so pissed because the teen took his drugs?

Best Nativity Play....EVER!

God does exist. Testimony from an ex-atheist:

sme4r says...

Well... I guess the other 20%, should give up their "research" and live in fear for their remaining days while they ponder an eternity in hell. It's only logical right?

I forgot which texts are a "historically accurate" depiction of "hell" and which were just written off as old fairy tales. I need to know what to expect.

>> ^shinyblurry:

>> ^KnivesOut:
Your personal epiphany is in no way credible evidence to anyone living outside of your brain.
Your personal epiphany is in no way "verifiable".>> ^shinyblurry:
>> ^ponceleon:
Option a) guy hallucinates/dreams because of severe pain
Option b) buncha magic shit happens that is untestable, unverifiable, nonsensical

c) it really happened, is verifiable..every Christian in the world has testimony that verifies this testimony

It's not really just personal..or unusual. 80 percent of the world believes in a Creator..33 percent believes in the judeo-christian God. This experience is instantly understandable to anyone who has experienced anything spiritual, what so ever. This bastion of unbelief here is what is unusual. It's also confirmed by the bible and other historical evidence. Yet, I'll let the man speak for himself. If this doesn't open your mind a little, I doubt anything I say will..

Varying Bullet Caliber Damage

Skeeve says...

This is great. People have such warped ideas of guns from Hollywood mythmaking - though a lot of video games don't help either.

I've seen guys come into the range, fire a 9mm for a bit, then brag about how much better the Desert Eagle is. Then a range officer pulls one out and they realize that it's hard for them to hold it steady, let alone fire accurately. A .50 pistol sounds impressive only until you realize that you only have 7+1 rounds, you can't aim for shit, and the recoil is a bitch. As my favorite range officer put it: "Angelina Jolie [a la Tomb Raider] would have trouble carrying one in each hand, but somehow she is firing two on the run?"

Some movies are getting better, more accurately depicting the proper usage of a gun and actually showing reloads, but even my girlfriend starts laughing at some of the more blatant mistakes in action movies (The Green Hornet has some whoppers).

Classic end scene from "The Graduate"

Stormsinger says...

>> ^dbot2006:
The Graduate does not hold up well after all these years, it is a film that manages to not be timeless.

Just because -you- don't like a movie doesn't mean it doesn't hold up well. It just means you don't like it. Personally, I never did think it was a "great" movie, but it's no worse now than it was then.

Having been in both age groups represented in the movie, I'd say that it's still a reasonably accurate depiction of life. Nothing much has changed when it comes to personal interactions, older men and women still find younger ones attractive, and some will act on that attraction. And some people get pissy when dumped. :🤷:

Email: Powered By Magic

Downfall trailer (German: Der Untergang) German meme source

How Muslims Are Treated In The USA

Pprt says...

>> ^laura:
>> ^Pprt:
To clarify, the individuals subject to scrutiny were placed into an completely artificial environment where the desired outcome of their behaviour was decidedly engineered. I have no doubt that the clerk actively incited participation from bystanders.
^ of course he did, however...I would point out that the customers' reactions were not necessarily engineered. For example, I don't care how artificial of an environment I am in, I will still act like myself.

Compare this to an Asch paradigm where the control doesn't exist and the ratio matches up perfectly.

To claim that this is "How Muslims Are Treated In [sic] USA" is patently ludicrous. The only fair assessment would be a hidden camera tracking a hijab-clad woman going about daily tasks.
^ I don't think anyone here claimed this was an awesome scientific/social experiment. Entertaining demonstration/exhibition of various reactions to the "elephant in the room" is what is inherent.
It seems that the fact that all we saw was a well-rehearsed performance by professional actors went over everyone's head. If there's one thing people can't get enough of it's righteous indignation.

^again, I will say that the customers do not appear to be actors, and I don't think that anyone here missed the fact that the woman and the clerk WERE actors. Your suggestion that a fair assesment would be a hidden camera tracking a hijab-clad woman going about daily tasks is excellent should anyone wish to follow through with a scientific experiment. I believe for some reason that this was never meant to be passed off as such, and rather more of what I stated above.

The customers were indeed subjects, and social behaviour is indeed defined by one's company.

My offense is that this is certainly not an accurate depiction of "How Muslims Are Treated In The USA" (by the way, thank you for editing the title Farhad2000).

Muslims are free to practicce their faith, minarets dot the landscapes of Washington and many American cities, laws were enacted prohibiting discriminatory practices and Muslims currently enjoy a priviledged status regarding their religion in the public space.

Farhad2000, that debate is entirely unrelated to the video posting and its reticulum is far too wide for superficial rebuttal... I'm not sure it's proper to broach such complex matter considering the raison d'etre of this video posting. Suffice to say that if you are suggesting Islam is devoid of militarism you either ill-informed, oblivious or a seasoned Taqqiya expert.

In my esteem, any religion that encompasses a penal code (jurisprudence), financial regulations, actively censures opposition, legiferates all spheres of life (public and private) must be judged in toto as a political entity as well as a faith. As such, the drive of maintaining a parallel political system for a certain strata of society is indeed indicative of a "threat" to many Western nations.

Parallel Universes DO Exist. I kid you not.

kronosposeidon says...

>> ^jonny:
I can't believe rembar is even allowing this crap to remain in the science channel.

I can't believe you pretend to know even half of what these guys do. This may not be the most accurate depiction of the theories involving parallel universes, but there are a number of scientists in this video who all seem to be on the same page. Maybe that's not rigorous enough for you though. This is a VIDEO, after all, not the Journal of Quantum Information. Maybe this video is misleading, as sineral suggests, but it's still intriguing, and it DOES involve scientific research and theories from some of the top minds in the field. However if rembar gives it the boot I'll live with that. Maybe you should petition him to do so, so you can save the ignorant masses from ourselves. If it helps you sleep better at night then by all means do so.

Can I come out and visit your quantum physics lab so I can see what your research in this area reveals?

Just Say No to Sex

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